• Scopus
  • Core Journal of China
  • Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD)
  • Chinese Scientific and Technical Paper and Citation Database (CSTPCD)

Primary Research on A Synthetic Experimental Method of Andesite Standard Glass References by Using High-Temperature Fusion
BAO Zhi-an, YUAN Hong-lin, CHEN Kai-yun, SONG Jia-yao, DAI Meng-ning, ZONG Chun-lei
2011, 30(5): 521-527.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Composition in PM10 Aerosols by High-Energy Polarized Energy-Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
JI Ang, ZHENG Nan, WANG He-jin, XU Zi-you, LI Guo-hui
2011, 30(5): 528-535.
Abstract PDF
Ten Reference Materials for Available Nutrients of Agricultural Soils
LIU Mei, GU Tie-xin, CHENG Zhi-zhong, HUANG Hong-ku, YAN Wei-dong, YAN Ming-cai
2011, 30(5): 536-544.
Abstract PDF
Determination of As(Ⅲ) and As(Ⅴ) in Stream Sediments by Hydride Generation-Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry with Ultrasonic Extraction
XIAO Fang, TANG Zhi-yong, HAO Zhi-hong, SHUAI Qin, ZHENG Hong-tao, QIU Hai-ou
2011, 30(5): 545-549.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Ammonia-Nitrogen in Marine Sediments by Hypo-bromate Oxidation with Hydrochloric Acid Extraction
LI Xue-gang, SONG Jin-ming, YUAN Hua-mao, LI Ning
2011, 30(5): 550-554.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Total Phosphorus in Marine Sediments by Microwave Digestion-Phosphorus Vanadium Molybdenum Yellow Spectrophotometry
XIA Bing-xun, SONG Xiao-li, DING Lin, JIANG Jun-cheng, YANG Lu-ning
2011, 30(5): 555-559.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Trace Rare Earth Elements in Soils and Sediments by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry with Microwave Digestion
CHEN Yong-xin, LI Xiang-rong, WEI Xin-hong, Lü Ze-e, XIE Yu-qun, CAI Wei-zhuan
2011, 30(5): 560-565.
Abstract PDF
Simultaneous Determination of 8 Elemental Components of Fe, Cu, Zn and Pb in Sulfide Ores by ICP-AES with Aqua Regia Digestion
WEN Hong-li, MA Sheng-feng, MA Xin-rong, WANG Lei, FAN Fan, GONG Ai-hua
2011, 30(5): 566-571.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Ni, Co and Cu in Laterite-Nickel Ores by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry
WANG Guo-xin, XU Yu-yu, WANG Hui, LIU Feng, WU Cheng, HU Qing
2011, 30(5): 572-575.
Abstract PDF
Simultaneous Quantification of Silver, Copper, Lead and Zinc in Lead-Zinc Ores by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry
WANG Xiao-qiang, HOU Xiao-lei, YANG Hui-ling
2011, 30(5): 576-579.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Seven Components in Gold-Bearing Quartz by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
LIU Yan, ZENG Jing, HU Jun-kai, LI Yu-qin, FENG Zhao-jun
2011, 30(5): 580-583.
Abstract PDF
The Research of Mineral Spectral Matching Based on Weighted Absorption Peaks
HUANG Ting-ting, WEI Zhi-hui, XIU Lian-cun, WU Ze-bin
2011, 30(5): 584-589.
Abstract PDF
Simultaneous Determination of 18 Pesticide Residues including Pyrethroids in Soils by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry with Accelerated Solvent Extraction
LI Jun, XIAO Ya-wen, WANG Zhen, ZHAO Wei-wu
2011, 30(5): 590-595.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Pyridine in Drinking Source Water by Head Space Sampling-Solid Phase Microextraction
LAI Yong-zhong
2011, 30(5): 596-600.
Abstract PDF
A Gas Chromatography Method for Determination of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Sediment and the Research on the Removal of Contaminants
TONG Ling, YANG Jia-jia, WU Shu-qi, ZHANG Ling-jin
2011, 30(5): 601-605.
Abstract PDF
The Distribution Characteristics of Typical Organochlorine Pesticides in Shallow Sediments of the Yangtze River Estuary
MA Jian-sheng, HU Jing-ke, SHEN Jia-lin, WEI Feng, SHEN Xiao-ming
2011, 30(5): 606-610.
Abstract PDF
Gas Chromatographic Determination of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Drinking Water Samples with Solid Phase Extraction
LIU Jin-wei, WANG Lei, AN Cai-xiu, XIAO Fan, ZHA Xiao-kang, GAO Xi-juan
2011, 30(5): 611-616.
Abstract PDF
Uncertainty Evaluation for the Determination of Benzo(a)Pyrenees in Groundwater Samples by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
FENG Jing, WANG Hai-jiao, HE Chao-jun, ZHANG Ji-guang
2011, 30(5): 617-622.
Abstract PDF
Geochemical Characteristics of Bitumen "A" in Marine Carbonate Rock from the Tarim Basin
SUN Min-zhuo, LONG Guo-hui, MENG Qian-xiang, ZHENG Jian-jing, WANG Guo-cang, FANG Xuan, WANG Zuo-dong
2011, 30(5): 623-630.
Abstract PDF
Writing Skills on Claims of Chemical Analysis Method Patents
ZHI Xin-xin, TANG Feng-tao
2011, 30(5): 631-636.
Abstract PDF
Real-time Fluid Analysis in the Scientific Drilling Project
TANG Li-jun, WANG Xiao-chun, WANG Jian, LI Ying-chun, WANG Guang
2011, 30(5): 637-643.
Abstract PDF
Review of Control Laws and Detection Methods for Asbestos
BAO Jun, WANG Quan-lin
2011, 30(5): 644-653.
Abstract PDF