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LI Xue-gang, SONG Jin-ming, YUAN Hua-mao, LI Ning. Determination of Ammonia-Nitrogen in Marine Sediments by Hypo-bromate Oxidation with Hydrochloric Acid Extraction[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2011, 30(5): 550-554.
Citation: LI Xue-gang, SONG Jin-ming, YUAN Hua-mao, LI Ning. Determination of Ammonia-Nitrogen in Marine Sediments by Hypo-bromate Oxidation with Hydrochloric Acid Extraction[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2011, 30(5): 550-554.

Determination of Ammonia-Nitrogen in Marine Sediments by Hypo-bromate Oxidation with Hydrochloric Acid Extraction

More Information
  • Received Date: December 16, 2010
  • Revised Date: March 03, 2011
  • Ammonia-N is one of the important compositions of marine sediment and the most active component at the sediment-water interface. The routine method uses NaCl, MgCl or KCl and other neutral solvents as extractants. However, only part of ammonia-N in sediments can be determined by this method. A new method to determine ammonia-N in sediment is presented in this paper. Ammonia-N in sediment was extracted by the 0.1 mol/L HCl, then determined by hypo-bromate oxidation. Based on a large number of experiments, the optimal measurement conditions were selected, which included hypo-bromic acid concentration, NaOH concentration in hypo-bromic acid solution, acidity for chromogenic reaction and dosage for sulfanilamide. Almost all of the ammonia-N in marine sediments can be extracted by this new method with better precision and accuracy than alternative methods.
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