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ZHU Zhi-min, CHEN Jia-biao, LI Ting-xue, CHEN Liang, MA Ding-hua. Resource and Environmental Significance of Heavy Metals in Lala Copper Mine Tailings[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2011, 30(1): 43-48.
Citation: ZHU Zhi-min, CHEN Jia-biao, LI Ting-xue, CHEN Liang, MA Ding-hua. Resource and Environmental Significance of Heavy Metals in Lala Copper Mine Tailings[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2011, 30(1): 43-48.

Resource and Environmental Significance of Heavy Metals in Lala Copper Mine Tailings

More Information
  • Received Date: March 29, 2010
  • Revised Date: June 28, 2010
  • The heavy metals in mine tailings have potential resource and environmental significance. The content of heavy metals and their speciation in Lala copper mine tailings was analyzed, the possibility of the valuable element from the mine tailings recycling was discussed and the ecological risk of heavy metals was evaluated. The results showed that only Fe, Cu, Co in Lala copper mine tailings Ⅲ had comprehensive utilization value, and the potential ecological risk of most heavy metals in the tailings is slight, however, the ecological risk of Hg in all of the tailings and the ecological risk of Cu in tailing Ⅲ were in moderate level.It suggested that the potential environmental pollution of Hg in the mine tailings should be concerned, and the ecological risk of Cu in tailings Ⅲ also should be paid enough attention.
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