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CHEN Yong, GE Yun-jin. Experimental Study on the Modes of Hydrocarbon-bearing Inclusion Trapped in Carbonate Rock Reservoirs[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2010, 29(3): 217-220.
Citation: CHEN Yong, GE Yun-jin. Experimental Study on the Modes of Hydrocarbon-bearing Inclusion Trapped in Carbonate Rock Reservoirs[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2010, 29(3): 217-220.

Experimental Study on the Modes of Hydrocarbon-bearing Inclusion Trapped in Carbonate Rock Reservoirs

More Information
  • Received Date: August 28, 2009
  • Revised Date: February 01, 2010
  • Under the simulation from the actual reservoir temperature and pressure conditions, hydrocarbon-bearing inclusions were synthesized and the modes of hydrocarbon-bearing inclusions forming in carbonate rock reservoirs were studied. Results from synthetic hydrocarbon-bearing inclusion experiments show that the hydrocarbon-bearing inclusions can be trapped through healing the crystalline imperfections under reservoir bearing gas and oil condition. According to the types of crystalline imperfections and the petrographic characteristics of inclusions, the modes of hydrocarbon-bearing inclusions trapped can be divided into four groups, point defect mode, line defect mode, face defect mode and space defect mode. Because the inclusions trapped in point defect and the line defect modes can be easily healed during the growth of mineral crystals, most inclusions formed in these two modes. Inclusions trapped in point defect mode are commonly in small size and not easy to be analyzed. The inclusions trapped in line defect usually have different volumes. The number of inclusions trapped in face defect mode is less and usually thinner. And the space defect mode is difficult to form inclusions. Compared to the natural samples, secondary inclusions trapped in line defect mode are the most common ones and also the most common ones in inclusion analysis.
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