• Scopus
  • Core Journal of China
  • Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD)
  • Chinese Scientific and Technical Paper and Citation Database (CSTPCD)

Multi-element Determination in Geological Materials by Bench-top Polarized Energy Dispersive Xray Fluorescence Spectrometer Coupled with Direct Powder Sample Preparation
ZHAN Xiuchun, FAN Xingtao, LI Yingchun, WANG Yiya
2009, 28(6): 501-506.
Abstract PDF
Detection of Carcinogenic Aromatic Amines in Textiles by Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spetrometry
HAN Jing, YANG Shuiping, ZHANG xie, ZHANG Lili, CHEN Huanwen, LI Jianqiang
2009, 28(6): 507-513.
Abstract PDF
Dynamics of Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethanes in the Plant Root-soil System and the Influencing Factors
JIAO Xingchun, YE Chuanyong, YANG Yongliang, AN Lihua
2009, 28(6): 514-517.
Abstract PDF
Study on Method of Measuring Altered Minerals in Rocks with NearInfrared Spectrometer
XIU Liancun, ZHENG Zhizhong, YU Zhengkui, HUANG Junjie, CHEN Chunxia, YIN Liang, WANG Mijian, ZHANG Qiuning, HUANG Bin, XIU Tiejun, WU Ping
2009, 28(6): 519-523.
Abstract PDF
Study on Ecological Environmental Pollution Status in Sea Areas of Northeastern Jiaozhou Bay
HAN Bin, XIN Ming, CHEN Farong, LI Pei chang, SONG Zhuanling, WANG Xiaoru
2009, 28(6): 524-528.
Abstract PDF
Removal of As(Ⅲ) and As(Ⅴ) from Drinking Water by Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron
HUANG Yuanying, QIN Zhen, LIU Fei
2009, 28(6): 529-534.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Major Components in Silicate Phase of Sulphide Ores by ICP-AES with Lithium Metaborate Fusion Sample Pretreatment
MA Shengfeng, WEN Hongli, GONG Aihua, QU Wenjun, CAO Yaping
2009, 28(6): 535-540.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides in Soil Samples by Gas Chromatography with Ultrasonic Extraction and Solid Phase Extraction
LIU Wenzhang, TAO Wenjing, CHENG Liya, YU Xing, TIAN Min, HUANG Qin, LI Shengsheng
2009, 28(6): 541-544.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Halogen in Electronic Components by Oxygen BombIon Chromatography
GONG Dongxia, LIU Xiao, JIANG Haifei, WANG Lingyao
2009, 28(6): 545-548.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Rare Earth Elements and Thorium in RE-Nb-Ta Ores by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry
XU Tao, CUI Aiduan, DU Mei, ZHANG Zhigang
2009, 28(6): 549-522.
Abstract PDF
Rapid Determination of Anionic Surfactant in Water Samples byOn-line Extraction Flow Injection Analysis
WANG Liping, TIAN Qin, JIANG Lin, ZHANG Zhuoyong
2009, 28(6): 553-556.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Trace Bisphenol A in Environmental and Biological Samples
WANG Xiaochun, LIU Xiaoduan, YANG Yongliang, LI Gang, XU Qing, JIAO Xingchun, LUO Songguang, LI Qi
2009, 28(6): 557-568.
Abstract PDF
Geochemical Characteristics and Research Direction of Arsenic
BO Ying, LUO Liqiang
2009, 28(6): 569-575.
Abstract PDF
Application of Gray Error Theory in Data Processing of Rock and Mineral Analysis
CHEN Yueyuan, CAO Chengdong, YUAN Xiuru, WEI Yi, TAN Jianan
2009, 28(6): 576-582.
Abstract PDF
Uncertainty Evaluation for the Determination Results of Aluminum Oxide in Soil Samples
CHEN Zhiqing, CAO Jing, MEI Zuming
2009, 28(6): 583-586.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Molybdenum in Geological Samples by Triethanolamine SensitizerAir Acetylene Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
HUANG Renzhong
2009, 28(6): 587-589.
Abstract PDF
Spectrophotometric Determination of Fluorine in Rock Samples with pSulfophenylazo Chromotropic Acid
WEI Shaoni, GU Libing
2009, 28(6): 590-592.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Rhenium in Molybdenum and Copper Ores by Inductively Coupled PlasmaAtomic Emission Specrometry
ZHAO Qingling, LI Qingcai
2009, 28(6): 593-594.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Cadmium in Iron Ores by Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry
FU Ranran, LIU Shuiqing, RONG Defu, KANG Jitao
2009, 28(6): 595-597.
Abstract PDF
Rapid Determination of Lead, Zinc and Copper in Iron Ores by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
YU Qing, CHEN Hehai, ZHANG Aizhen, WANG Baogang
2009, 28(6): 598-599.
Abstract PDF
Microwaveassisted Solvent Extraction of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Environmental Samples
2009, 28(6): 602-602.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Semiconductor Grade Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide by  Inductively Coupled PlasmaMass Spectrometry with Dynamic Reaction Cell
2009, 28(6): 603-604.
Abstract PDF