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LI Song, RAO Zhu, ZHEN Ya-li, GUO Xiao-chen. A Balanced Uniform-Level Experiment for the Accuracy of Organochlorine Pesticides Measurement Method in Groundwater[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2012, 31(2): 342-349.
Citation: LI Song, RAO Zhu, ZHEN Ya-li, GUO Xiao-chen. A Balanced Uniform-Level Experiment for the Accuracy of Organochlorine Pesticides Measurement Method in Groundwater[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2012, 31(2): 342-349.

A Balanced Uniform-Level Experiment for the Accuracy of Organochlorine Pesticides Measurement Method in Groundwater

More Information
  • Received Date: May 15, 2011
  • The stability and accuracy of the measurement method for hexachlorobenzene, α-HCH, β-HCH, γ-HCH, δ-HCH, p,p'-DDE, p,p'-DDD, o,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDT in groundwater has been determined by a balanced uniform-level experiment for 5 different content level samples from 7 laboratories. After being verified for consistency and outliers, the statistical results of 9 organochlorine pesticides in groundwater indicated that the repeatability standard deviation was 0.50-0.77 ng/L and the reproducibility standard deviation was 1.92-3.03 ng/L within a level range of 3.00-56.5 ng/L. The recovery rates of surrogates for 2,4,5,6-tetrachloro-m-xylene and dibutyl chlorendate were 58.8%-99.5% and 79.2%-117%, respectively. The detection method was accurate and reliable.
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