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QU Wen-jun, WU Xiao-jun. Major Achievements in Geoanalysis in the last 10 years[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2012, 31(2): 201-209.
Citation: QU Wen-jun, WU Xiao-jun. Major Achievements in Geoanalysis in the last 10 years[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2012, 31(2): 201-209.

Major Achievements in Geoanalysis in the last 10 years

More Information
  • Received Date: May 31, 2011
  • Geoanalysis research projects have been mainly assigned by the Department of Science and Technology & International Cooperation of China Geological Survey. Due to the great demand for geological research and the intensive support from China Geological Survey, geoanalysis techniques have been developed, analytical instruments have improved, the number of analytical technicians has increased and the analytical level and ability in general has greatly improved. Experimental methodology and the corresponding sample analysis capabilities have been basically set up to meet geological survey requirements. The geoanalytical system not only covers all geological survey samples including solid, liquid, oil and gas but also has the ability to analyze major, minor and trace elements, as well as inorganic and organic components. A brief description of geoanalysis research projects is presented in this paper. Major achievements in this field within the last 10 years supported by China Geological Survey are summarized from 6 aspects, including new methods of inorganic and organic analysis, isotope analysis and application, preparation of reference materials for geoanalysis, research and upgrade of geoanalysis instrumentation and the application and dissemination for the laboratory information management system (LIMS).
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