Application of Automated Mineral Identification and Characterization System to Identify Minerals and Occurrences of Elements in Jixiangyu Rare Earth Deposit of Eastern Liaoning
Abstract:BACKGROUNDIn Liaoning Province, there are limited known types of rare earth deposits, and historically, exploration and evaluation efforts have mainly focused on monazite placer and alkaline rock type rare earth deposits. Less attention has been given to sedimentary metamorphic rare earth primary deposits. Previous studies have shown that the Jixiangyu rare earth deposit is categorized as a sedimentary metamorphic remodeling deposit related to ancient volcanic structures. The analysis of existing data and previous exploration results prove that this type of rare earth deposit has a considerable rare earth content with monazite and allanite. However, unresolved issues remain, such as the occurrence status of rare earth minerals and the feasibility of extracting and utilizing rare earth minerals.
OBJECTIVESTo explore the metallogenic mechanism and unveil the formation process of rare earth deposits by identifying the types of rare earth minerals, investigating the occurrence and distribution of rare earth elements within minerals, and analyzing the composition, structure, and distribution characteristics of rare earth minerals and associated minerals.
METHODSThe experimental testing was conducted at the Henan Provincial Rock and Mineral Testing Center. The experimental instruments used in this study included an ultra-high resolution field emission scanning electron microscope (Zeiss Sigma500), an electric cooling energy spectrometer (Bruker XFlash6610), and a set of AMICS automatic mineral identification and characterization systems. During the experiments, a high vacuum environment was maintained, with an accelerating voltage of 20kV and a beam current of 5nA. The working distance was set at 11.8mm, and the point analysis acquisition time reached 250kcps before stopping automatically.
RESULTSThe primary rare earth minerals in the Jixiangyu rare earth deposit were identified as allanite, monazite, and cerianite, constituting 6.25%, 0.73%, and 0.25% of the total mineral content, respectively. Light rare earth elements such as La, Ce, Pr, and Nd were predominantly present, enriched in monazite, xenotime, and bastnaesite, with a minor occurrence of rare earth elements in the form of solid solutions within apatite. Gangue minerals include actinolite, quartz, plagioclase, potassium feldspar, sphene, and biotite. The rare earth minerals, including allanite, monazite, cerianite, and apatite exhibited interlocking structures with magnetite, occurring as single particles or clustered structures, and were distributed along the edges and gaps of magnetite, forming complex symbiotic relationships.
CONCLUSIONSThe rare earth formation process can be attributed to the following factors: (1) Sedimentary enrichment: The Jixiangyu rare earth deposit is situated in the core area of the Liao Ji Rift, providing favorable sedimentary conditions for ore deposition. Over time, sediments accumulated, compacted, and underwent alteration, gradually releasing and enriching rare earth and iron elements, leading to formation of the ore deposit. (2) Magmatic modification: Magmatic hydrothermal fluids may have interacted with variolitic rocks from the Lieryu section, facilitating the simultaneous or interweaving mineralization of rare earth minerals and magnetite in the same geological environment, resulting in the activation and in situ enrichment of high background values of rare earth and iron elements. (3) Tectonic control: The Jixiangyu rare earth deposit is situated on the anticlinal structure of the Liaoning—Jilin Paleoproterozoic rift core where fault zones and folds may have acted as channels for mineral enrichment, facilitating the migration of minerals from deeper to shallower crustal regions.
- automated mineral identification and characterization system (AMICS) /
- sedimentary metamorphic rare earth ore /
- monazite /
- allanite /
- magnetite /
- occurrence state of rare earth minerals
1. 地质背景
图 1 吉祥峪稀土矿床地质简图及研究区位置图1—晚三叠纪二长花岗岩;2—里尔峪岩组;3—高家峪岩组;4—大石桥岩组;5—辉长岩;6—伟晶岩;7—闪长玢岩;8—稀土矿体;9—韧性剪切带;10—岩层产状;11—推测断裂;12—实测断裂;13—采样位置;14—二云片岩花纹;15—浅粒岩花纹;16—辉长岩花纹;17—伟晶岩花纹。Figure 1. Geological map and location map of Jixiangyu rare earth deposit. 1—Late Triassic monzogranite; 2—Lieryu Formation; 3—Gaojiayu Formation; 4—Dashiqiao Formation; 5—Gabbro; 6—Pegmatite; 7—Diorite porphyrite; 8— Rare earth ore body; 9—Ductile shear zone; 10—Occurrence of rock formation; 11—Presumed fault; 12— Measured fault; 13—Sampling location; 14—Two-mica schist pattern; 15—Leptite pattern; 16—Gabbro pattern; 17—Pegmatite pattern.2. 实验部分
2.1 样品采集与制备
2.2 实验仪器及测试条件
实验测试在河南省岩石矿物测试中心完成。实验仪器包括一台超高分辨率场发射扫描电镜(Zeiss Sigma 500)、一台电制冷能谱仪(Bruker XFlash6610)以及一套AMICS自动矿物识别和表征系统。
3. 结果与讨论
3.1 稀土矿物的种类
表 1 吉祥峪稀土矿床样品AMICS矿物定量分析结果Table 1. Quantitative analysis results of minerals measured by AMICS in Jixiangyu rare earth deposit.矿物名称 质量分数
(%)矿物标准分子式[29-30] 褐帘石 6.25 6.62 3386157.37 809 0.14 (Ce,Ca)(Ce,La)(Nd,Pr)(Fe2+,Fe3+)(Al,Mg)[Si2O7][SiO4]O(OH) 独居石 0.73 0.57 289757.48 105 0.35 (Ce,La,Ca,Fe,Th,Nd,Pr)[SiO4] [PO4] 方铈石 0.25 0.50 257590.30 78 0.06 (Ce3+,Th,Fe,Pr,Nd)O2 磷灰石 5.73 7.22 3696466.51 861 0.10 FeFe2O4 磁铁矿 63.48 48.95 25056614.78 1891 0.07 Ca5[PO4]3(F,OH) 阳起石 7.61 9.94 5088796.43 524 0.11 Ca2Na(Mg,Fe)5(Al,Fe3+)[(Si,Al)4O11]2(OH)2 石英 7.36 11.16 5713847.71 1218 0.08 SiO2 钙铁榴石 0.01 0.01 70.14 1 2.00 Ca3Fe2[SiO4]3 斜长石 2.14 3.25 1663198.10 288 0.16 Na[AlSi3O8] 榍石 0.39 0.44 227134.51 301 0.20 CaTi[SiO4]O 锆石 0.01 0.01 1928.91 12 0.58 Zr(SiO4) 绿泥石 0.14 0.19 99300.33 166 0.18 Fe3 2+[Si4O10](OH)2(Mg,Al,Fe,Si)3(OH)6 钾长石 2.20 3.41 1743721.36 134 0.21 K[AlSi3O8] 黑云母 0.51 0.65 334115.41 344 0.15 K(Fe,Al)3AlSi3O10(F,OH)2 未知矿物 3.20 6.36 3255145.74 4728 0.05 / 孔隙 / 0.73 371809.84 22084 0.06 / 3.1.1 褐帘石
褐帘石在XT-02样品中分布不均匀,含量为6.25%。样品中的褐帘石多呈柱状或厚板状,解理不完全,自形-半自形,粒径0.01~0.595mm。对其进行能谱分析,得到褐帘石平均含有O 37.07%、Fe 16.38%、Si 11.88%、Ca 7.96%、Al 5.35%、Mg 0.55%、Ce 10.69%、La 6.79%、Nd 2.24%、Pr 1.09%(表2)。矿物中富含轻稀土元素,以Ce、La、Nd为主,含少量Pr,未见U元素和Th元素的替代[33-34]。镜下观察发现,褐帘石常与磷灰石、磁铁矿连生,与磁铁矿关系密切(图3a;图4中a,c)。
表 2 褐帘石能谱分析结果Table 2. Energy spectrum analysis results of allanite.样品编号 质量分数(%) O Fe Si Ca Al Mg Ce La Nd Pr XT02-07 37.43 16.07 11.74 7.76 5.27 0.59 11.06 6.95 2.04 1.08 XT02-13 35.73 15.11 12.31 7.76 5.50 0.59 11.60 7.81 2.33 1.25 XT02-29 38.23 15.73 11.30 8.39 5.02 0.41 10.94 7.07 1.94 0.98 XT02-30 37.13 17.78 11.63 8.06 5.17 0.47 10.27 6.18 2.31 1.00 XT02-31 36.85 16.50 12.80 7.41 6.17 0.82 9.77 6.17 2.26 1.25 XT02-32 37.03 17.08 11.49 8.39 4.99 0.42 10.48 6.58 2.54 1.00 平均值 37.07 16.38 11.88 7.96 5.35 0.55 10.69 6.79 2.24 1.09 图 4 样品XT-02(磷灰褐帘磁铁角闪变粒岩)的显微组构特征a—褐帘石与磷灰石、磁铁矿连生; b—独居石被磷灰石包裹; c—褐帘石与磷灰石连生,被磁铁矿包裹; d—独居石与磁铁矿连生,被角闪石包裹。Aln—褐帘石;Ap—磷灰石;Mag—磁铁矿;Mnz—独居石;Cam—角闪石。Figure 4. Microfabric characteristics of sample XT-02 (apatite-allanite-magnet-hornblende granulite): (a) Allanite, apatite and magnetite coexisting; (b) Monazite surrounded by apatite; (c) Allanite and apatite coexisting, surrounded by magnetite; (d) Monazite associated with magnetite and wrapped by amphibole. Aln—Allanite; Ap—Apatite; Mag—Magnetite; Mnz—Monazite; Cam—Amphibole.3.1.2 方铈石
方铈石在XT-02样品中少量分布,多以单体形式存在,含量为0.25%。样品中方铈石常呈不规则粒状及聚粒状,粒径0.01~0.5mm(图3b)。对其进行能谱分析,得到方铈石平均含有Ce 53.67%、O 21.07%、Fe 8.56%、Si 3.67%、P 3.36%、Pr 2.35%、Nd 1.79%、Ca 1.30%、Th 1.29%、Al 1.23%、La 0.87%、Mn 0.56%、Mg 0.28%(表3),矿物中富含轻稀土元素,以Ce、La、Nd为主,常见Mg元素等被Th元素替代[35]。
表 3 方铈石能谱分析结果Table 3. Energy spectrum analysis results of cerianite.样品编号 质量分数(%) Ce O Fe Si P Pr Nd Ca Th Al La Mn Mg XT02-38 57.32 17.24 8.32 3.63 3.96 3.84 2.80 1.36 / 1.53 / / / XT02-39 52.73 16.46 8.53 4.17 3.58 4.15 2.35 1.29 / 1.75 / 3.95 1.04 XT02-54 45.70 23.43 13.12 4.25 2.71 0.98 1.13 1.79 1.95 2.04 2.02 / 0.89 XT02-61 53.13 25.81 5.44 4.38 3.06 1.30 1.36 1.04 2.02 1.11 1.35 / / XT02-62 66.35 15.50 4.47 2.79 3.22 1.65 1.59 1.02 1.61 / 1.80 / / XT02-63 55.86 21.51 6.37 2.63 4.07 2.56 1.83 1.57 2.84 0.74 / / / XT02-64 44.60 27.54 13.65 3.86 2.93 1.94 1.48 1.02 0.62 1.46 0.89 / / 平均值 53.67 21.07 8.56 3.67 3.36 2.35 1.79 1.30 1.29 1.23 0.87 0.56 0.28 3.1.3 独居石
独居石在XT-02样品中多以单体形式存在,含量为0.73%。样品中的独居石呈自形-半自形板状,解理完全,粒径0.01~2.1mm。对其进行能谱分析,得到独居石平均含有O 29.38%、P 13.87%、Ce 20.08%、La 20.43%、Nd 8.68%、Pr 2.92%、Ca 1.55%、Fe 1.05%、Si 0.81%、Th 1.25%(表4)。矿物中富含轻稀土元素,以Ce、La、Nd为主,常见Ca元素等被Th元素替代。镜下观察发现,独居石与磁铁矿连生,常被褐帘石、磷灰石等矿物包裹[39](图4中b,d)。
表 4 独居石能谱分析结果Table 4. Energy spectrum analysis results of monazite.样品编号 质量分数(%) O Ce La P Nd Pr Ca Fe Si Th XT02-06 27.53 24.44 17.99 14.39 7.11 2.49 2.20 2.20 0.93 0.72 XT-02-40 21.03 12.05 28.06 14.69 12.33 4.81 3.46 2.34 0.88 0.33 XT02-46 25.81 11.32 26.81 12.77 11.69 4.49 2.40 1.35 1.71 1.65 XT02-47 26.91 9.71 26.13 13.38 11.81 4.71 2.16 1.64 1.38 2.17 XT02-53 32.08 9.84 24.95 12.25 10.93 4.13 1.90 0.89 1.07 1.96 XT02-55 31.13 20.20 19.32 13.69 7.65 2.45 4.33 1.24 / / XT02-56 38.95 14.45 19.58 12.79 8.18 2.67 2.06 / 1.32 / XT02-68 39.31 14.25 18.25 11.32 6.91 2.53 3.14 2.85 0.54 0.90 XT02-69 30.77 26.29 16.70 15.64 7.28 2.30 / / / 1.02 XT02-71 27.88 27.67 17.08 13.91 7.96 2.16 / 0.27 0.65 2.43 XT02-73 28.40 28.23 18.51 14.91 6.78 1.99 / 0.30 / 0.88 XT02-74 26.63 27.20 17.16 14.08 7.92 2.07 / 0.39 1.01 3.55 XT02-75 28.00 27.00 17.16 14.73 7.52 2.08 / 0.82 0.77 1.91 XT02-76 26.93 28.47 18.32 15.59 7.42 2.06 / 0.38 1.01 / 平均值 29.38 20.08 20.43 13.87 8.68 2.92 1.55 1.05 0.81 1.25 3.1.4 其他含稀土矿物
3.2 AMICS方法的优势与不足
4. 结论
图 1 吉祥峪稀土矿床地质简图及研究区位置图
Figure 1. Geological map and location map of Jixiangyu rare earth deposit. 1—Late Triassic monzogranite; 2—Lieryu Formation; 3—Gaojiayu Formation; 4—Dashiqiao Formation; 5—Gabbro; 6—Pegmatite; 7—Diorite porphyrite; 8— Rare earth ore body; 9—Ductile shear zone; 10—Occurrence of rock formation; 11—Presumed fault; 12— Measured fault; 13—Sampling location; 14—Two-mica schist pattern; 15—Leptite pattern; 16—Gabbro pattern; 17—Pegmatite pattern.
图 4 样品XT-02(磷灰褐帘磁铁角闪变粒岩)的显微组构特征
a—褐帘石与磷灰石、磁铁矿连生; b—独居石被磷灰石包裹; c—褐帘石与磷灰石连生,被磁铁矿包裹; d—独居石与磁铁矿连生,被角闪石包裹。Aln—褐帘石;Ap—磷灰石;Mag—磁铁矿;Mnz—独居石;Cam—角闪石。
Figure 4. Microfabric characteristics of sample XT-02 (apatite-allanite-magnet-hornblende granulite): (a) Allanite, apatite and magnetite coexisting; (b) Monazite surrounded by apatite; (c) Allanite and apatite coexisting, surrounded by magnetite; (d) Monazite associated with magnetite and wrapped by amphibole. Aln—Allanite; Ap—Apatite; Mag—Magnetite; Mnz—Monazite; Cam—Amphibole.
表 1 吉祥峪稀土矿床样品AMICS矿物定量分析结果
Table 1 Quantitative analysis results of minerals measured by AMICS in Jixiangyu rare earth deposit.
矿物名称 质量分数
(%)矿物标准分子式[29-30] 褐帘石 6.25 6.62 3386157.37 809 0.14 (Ce,Ca)(Ce,La)(Nd,Pr)(Fe2+,Fe3+)(Al,Mg)[Si2O7][SiO4]O(OH) 独居石 0.73 0.57 289757.48 105 0.35 (Ce,La,Ca,Fe,Th,Nd,Pr)[SiO4] [PO4] 方铈石 0.25 0.50 257590.30 78 0.06 (Ce3+,Th,Fe,Pr,Nd)O2 磷灰石 5.73 7.22 3696466.51 861 0.10 FeFe2O4 磁铁矿 63.48 48.95 25056614.78 1891 0.07 Ca5[PO4]3(F,OH) 阳起石 7.61 9.94 5088796.43 524 0.11 Ca2Na(Mg,Fe)5(Al,Fe3+)[(Si,Al)4O11]2(OH)2 石英 7.36 11.16 5713847.71 1218 0.08 SiO2 钙铁榴石 0.01 0.01 70.14 1 2.00 Ca3Fe2[SiO4]3 斜长石 2.14 3.25 1663198.10 288 0.16 Na[AlSi3O8] 榍石 0.39 0.44 227134.51 301 0.20 CaTi[SiO4]O 锆石 0.01 0.01 1928.91 12 0.58 Zr(SiO4) 绿泥石 0.14 0.19 99300.33 166 0.18 Fe3 2+[Si4O10](OH)2(Mg,Al,Fe,Si)3(OH)6 钾长石 2.20 3.41 1743721.36 134 0.21 K[AlSi3O8] 黑云母 0.51 0.65 334115.41 344 0.15 K(Fe,Al)3AlSi3O10(F,OH)2 未知矿物 3.20 6.36 3255145.74 4728 0.05 / 孔隙 / 0.73 371809.84 22084 0.06 / 表 2 褐帘石能谱分析结果
Table 2 Energy spectrum analysis results of allanite.
样品编号 质量分数(%) O Fe Si Ca Al Mg Ce La Nd Pr XT02-07 37.43 16.07 11.74 7.76 5.27 0.59 11.06 6.95 2.04 1.08 XT02-13 35.73 15.11 12.31 7.76 5.50 0.59 11.60 7.81 2.33 1.25 XT02-29 38.23 15.73 11.30 8.39 5.02 0.41 10.94 7.07 1.94 0.98 XT02-30 37.13 17.78 11.63 8.06 5.17 0.47 10.27 6.18 2.31 1.00 XT02-31 36.85 16.50 12.80 7.41 6.17 0.82 9.77 6.17 2.26 1.25 XT02-32 37.03 17.08 11.49 8.39 4.99 0.42 10.48 6.58 2.54 1.00 平均值 37.07 16.38 11.88 7.96 5.35 0.55 10.69 6.79 2.24 1.09 表 3 方铈石能谱分析结果
Table 3 Energy spectrum analysis results of cerianite.
样品编号 质量分数(%) Ce O Fe Si P Pr Nd Ca Th Al La Mn Mg XT02-38 57.32 17.24 8.32 3.63 3.96 3.84 2.80 1.36 / 1.53 / / / XT02-39 52.73 16.46 8.53 4.17 3.58 4.15 2.35 1.29 / 1.75 / 3.95 1.04 XT02-54 45.70 23.43 13.12 4.25 2.71 0.98 1.13 1.79 1.95 2.04 2.02 / 0.89 XT02-61 53.13 25.81 5.44 4.38 3.06 1.30 1.36 1.04 2.02 1.11 1.35 / / XT02-62 66.35 15.50 4.47 2.79 3.22 1.65 1.59 1.02 1.61 / 1.80 / / XT02-63 55.86 21.51 6.37 2.63 4.07 2.56 1.83 1.57 2.84 0.74 / / / XT02-64 44.60 27.54 13.65 3.86 2.93 1.94 1.48 1.02 0.62 1.46 0.89 / / 平均值 53.67 21.07 8.56 3.67 3.36 2.35 1.79 1.30 1.29 1.23 0.87 0.56 0.28 表 4 独居石能谱分析结果
Table 4 Energy spectrum analysis results of monazite.
样品编号 质量分数(%) O Ce La P Nd Pr Ca Fe Si Th XT02-06 27.53 24.44 17.99 14.39 7.11 2.49 2.20 2.20 0.93 0.72 XT-02-40 21.03 12.05 28.06 14.69 12.33 4.81 3.46 2.34 0.88 0.33 XT02-46 25.81 11.32 26.81 12.77 11.69 4.49 2.40 1.35 1.71 1.65 XT02-47 26.91 9.71 26.13 13.38 11.81 4.71 2.16 1.64 1.38 2.17 XT02-53 32.08 9.84 24.95 12.25 10.93 4.13 1.90 0.89 1.07 1.96 XT02-55 31.13 20.20 19.32 13.69 7.65 2.45 4.33 1.24 / / XT02-56 38.95 14.45 19.58 12.79 8.18 2.67 2.06 / 1.32 / XT02-68 39.31 14.25 18.25 11.32 6.91 2.53 3.14 2.85 0.54 0.90 XT02-69 30.77 26.29 16.70 15.64 7.28 2.30 / / / 1.02 XT02-71 27.88 27.67 17.08 13.91 7.96 2.16 / 0.27 0.65 2.43 XT02-73 28.40 28.23 18.51 14.91 6.78 1.99 / 0.30 / 0.88 XT02-74 26.63 27.20 17.16 14.08 7.92 2.07 / 0.39 1.01 3.55 XT02-75 28.00 27.00 17.16 14.73 7.52 2.08 / 0.82 0.77 1.91 XT02-76 26.93 28.47 18.32 15.59 7.42 2.06 / 0.38 1.01 / 平均值 29.38 20.08 20.43 13.87 8.68 2.92 1.55 1.05 0.81 1.25 -
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