Quantitative Identification of Detrital Minerals by Mineral Characteristic Automatic Analysis System and Error Analysis with Traditional Microscopic Identification
- 矿物特征自动定量分析系统(AMICS) /
- 背散射法 /
- 碎屑矿物 /
- 扫描电镜-能谱仪
Abstract:The analysis of detrital minerals is widely used in the study of sediment sources and material diffusion, and is of great significance in analyzing sedimentary dynamic environment and oceanic dynamic characteristics. However, for a long time, the acquisition of detrital mineral data has relied mainly on optical microscopes as tools and manual identification, which is labor-intensive and inefficient. In order to obtain scientific and effective mineral identification data in a timely fashion, a thermal field emission scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy attached and an automated mineral identification and characterization system (AMICS) were used. For the first sample, 25 mineral species were identified by the AMICS system and 25 mineral species were identified by artificial identification with stereomicroscope and polarizing microscope. For the second sample, 26 mineral species were identified by the AMICS system, and 27 mineral species were identified by artificial identification. The two methods identified similar types of detrital minerals, and the absolute error of each mineral content was less than 5%. The AMICS system can be used to identify oxides (limonite, chromite, etc.), phosphates (apatite, etc.), sulfates (barite, etc.), sulfides (pyrite, etc.), carbonates (calcite, dolomite, etc.), and some silicates (zircon, titanite, olivine, quartz, potassium feldspar, sodium feldspar, garnet group, etc.) accurately but it is difficult to accurately identify polymorphic and isomorphic detrital minerals based solely on mineral chemical composition. The problem of layered silicate minerals easily falling off layer by layer during sample preparation needs to be solved.
表 1 沉积物样品处理结果
Table 1 Processing results of sediment samples
参数 1号样品前处理结果(g) 2号样品前处理结果(g) 沉积物质量 79.955 74.977 粒级质量 33.875 52.312 缩分 7.368 6.194 重矿物质量 0.371 0.303 表 2 重矿物检测结果统计
Table 2 Statistics of testing results for heavy minerals
矿物种类 1号样品检测结果(%) 2号样品检测结果(%) 实体显微镜-偏光显微镜法 X射线能谱-背散射法 误差 实体显微镜-偏光显微镜法 X射线能谱-背散射法 误差 磁铁矿 0.78 1.66 −0.88 偶见 0.90 −0.90 钛铁矿 8.31 4.28 4.03 7.48 5.89 1.59 赤、褐铁矿 2.60 1.88 0.72 0.70 0.83 −0.13 白钛石 1.56 0.53 1.03 1.81 0.35 1.46 锆石 0.52 0.11 0.41 1.04 0.36 0.68 独居石 − − − − − − 榍石 0.52 3.56 −3.04 1.29 4.08 −2.79 磷灰石 1.56 2.41 −0.85 1.41 1.82 −0.41 金红石 − − − 偶见 0.29 −0.29 电气石 0.52 0.49 0.03 0.47 0.06 0.41 石榴石 5.71 5.32 0.39 4.02 4.23 −0.21 斜方辉石 0.26 0.01 0.25 − − − 普通辉石 0.78 2.15 −1.37 2.06 4.85 −2.79 透辉石 0.52 4.25 −3.73 0.25 0.17 0.08 普通角闪石 23.38 21.15 2.23 25.40 28.26 −2.86 阳起石 2.60 5.19 −2.59 3.12 2.99 0.13 透闪石 0.52 1.33 −0.81 1.78 0.50 1.28 蓝闪石 0.52 2.30 −1.78 0.98 2.63 −1.65 绿帘石 25.97 24.56 1.41 26.67 23.73 2.94 (斜)黝帘石 3.90 1.42 2.48 4.30 2.17 2.13 十字石 − − − − − − 蓝晶石 − − − 0.27 0.16 0.11 红柱石 0.26 0.48 −0.22 0.23 0.17 0.06 矽线石 − − − − − − 黄玉 − − − − − − 硬绿泥石 − − − 0.54 − 0.54 绿泥石 偶见 1.12 −1.12 偶见 1.78 −1.78 黑云母 0.26 0.12 0.14 偶见 0.53 −0.53 白云母 0.52 0.19 0.33 0.66 0.06 0.6 风化云母 偶见 0.01 −0.01 0.88 0.01 0.87 自生黄铁矿 − − − − − − 碳酸盐 4.94 0.28 4.66 2.40 0.24 2.16 未知矿物 13.51 15.19 −1.68 12.22 12.96 −0.74 -
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