A High-Precision ID-TIMS U-Pb Dating Method of Apatite
磷灰石晶体结构呈六方晶系,具有相对高的封闭温度(350~550℃),能够容纳多种元素置换进入晶格内部,是火成岩、沉积岩、变质岩和矿床研究的重要定年矿物。然而,由于磷灰石通常具有较低铀含量和高普通铅含量,精准测定其年龄仍是当前U-Pb测年技术的一大挑战。本文基于208Pb-235U混合稀释剂,通过优化样品清洗、溶解以及柱色谱分离纯化U和Pb等化学前处理流程,建立了磷灰石同位素稀释-热电离质谱(ID-TIMS)高精度U-Pb定年方法,并准确测定了磷灰石标样MAD2和MAP-3的年龄,其 206Pb/238U年龄加权平均值分别为474.6±1.7Ma和800.7±1.2Ma,单点定年精度优于0.4%,为磷灰石微区原位标样研发以及样品年龄精准测定提供技术支撑。采用MAP-3作为微区原位校正标样,对磷灰石Durango和Otter Lake进行LA-ICP-MS U-Pb测年分析,通过Tera-Wasserburg谐和图图解法扣除普通铅,获得下交点年龄分别为32.1±0.6Ma(MSWD=1.3,n=36)和910±13Ma(MSWD=1.6,n=36),与前人研究结果在误差范围内一致,进一步证实普通铅含量极低的MAP-3,是一个理想的磷灰石微区原位测年标样。与高普通铅的磷灰石标样相比,使用MAP-3作为外标能直接在数据处理软件中进行数据校正,有效地简化了数据处理过程,提高磷灰石微区原位U-Pb测年结果的可靠性。
- 同位素稀释-热电离质谱法 /
- U-Pb定年 /
- 稀释剂 /
- 普通铅 /
- 标样
Abstract:Apatite belongs to the hexagonal crystal system and has a relatively high (350-550℃) closure temperature, which can accommodate multiple element substitutions into the crystal lattice. It is an important dating mineral for the study of igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks and ore deposits. However, due to the low uranium content and high common lead content of apatite, accurate age determination remains a major challenge for current U-Pb dating techniques. Based on the 208Pb-235U mixed spike, a high-precision isotope dilution-thermal ionization mass spectrometry (ID-TIMS) U-Pb dating method of apatite was established by optimizing the chemical pre-treatment process of sample cleaning, dissolution, and column chromatography separation and purification of U and Pb. The proposed method accurately determined the ages of apatite MAD2 and MAP-3, with 206Pb/238U weighted average ages of 474.6±1.7Ma and 800.7±1.2Ma, respectively. The precision of single-point analysis was better than 0.4%, providing technical support for accurately and precisely dating apatite and development of apatite standards. Moreover, taking MAP-3 as a calibration standard, LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating was performed on apatite in Durango and Otter Lake, resulting in lower intercept ages of 32.1±0.6Ma (MSWD=1.3, n=36) and 910±13Ma (MSWD=1.6, n=36) in a Tera-Wasserburg diagram, which were consistent with the previous research results within error. This gives further evidence that MAP-3, with extremely low common lead content, is an ideal apatite in situ U-Pb dating standard. Compared with high common lead apatite standards, MAP-3 as an external standard can directly calibrate the isotopic data, effectively simplifying the data analysis process and improving the reliability of in situ apatite U-Pb dating results.
表 1 磷灰石ID-TIMS U-Pb定年结果
Table 1 ID-TIMS U-Pb dating results of apatite
MAD2样品 元素含量
(μg/g)同位素比值 年龄(Ma) Rho Pb U 206Pb/204Pb 206Pb/238U 误差
(%)207Pb/235U 误差
(%)207Pb/206Pb 误差
(%)206Pb/238U 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 1 9.8 22.4 92.8 0.07646 0.26 0.5975 1.36 0.05668 1.19 475.0 1.2 475.7 6.5 479 26 0.716 2 9.2 21.6 93.3 0.07634 0.26 0.5961 1.37 0.05663 1.20 474.3 1.2 474.8 6.5 477 26 0.700 MAP-3样品 元素含量
(μg/g)同位素比值 年龄(Ma) Rho Pb U 206Pb/204Pb 206Pb/238U 误差
(%)207Pb/235U 误差
(%)207Pb/206Pb 误差
(%)206Pb/238U 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 1 3.9 16.0 106.9 0.1321 0.29 1.200 1.05 0.06593 0.90 799.9 2.3 800.8 8.4 803 38 0.623 2 4.2 16.3 100.5 0.1321 0.27 1.206 0.91 0.06622 0.72 799.9 2.2 803.2 7.3 812 30 0.794 3 3.1 16.3 274.9 0.1323 0.11 1.202 0.55 0.06589 0.49 801.1 0.9 801.3 4.4 802 20 0.635 4 3.4 16.0 187.8 0.1322 0.15 1.200 0.55 0.06588 0.47 800.3 1.2 800.6 4.4 802 20 0.678 5 4.3 17.0 105.5 0.1322 0.25 1.196 0.89 0.06564 0.71 800.6 2.0 798.9 7.1 794 30 0.792 6 4.5 16.2 87.61 0.1325 0.34 1.185 1.11 0.06487 0.86 802.1 2.8 793.5 8.8 769 36 0.790 表 2 磷灰石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年结果
Table 2 LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating results of apatite
样品元素含量(μg/g) 同位素比值 年龄(Ma) Pb Th U 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ 1 0.05 46.2 30.1 0.0648 0.0025 1.1805 0.0440 0.1318 0.0013 769 84 792 20 798 8 2 0.07 43.8 29.2 0.0663 0.0018 1.2173 0.0340 0.1334 0.0013 817 53 809 16 807 7 3 0.10 42.5 29.5 0.0652 0.0019 1.1789 0.0372 0.1311 0.0014 789 63 791 17 794 8 4 0.05 44.1 30.7 0.0649 0.0019 1.1792 0.0357 0.1323 0.0013 772 64 791 17 801 7 5 0.05 39.0 29.1 0.0666 0.0021 1.2170 0.0416 0.1322 0.0014 833 61 808 19 801 8 6 0.08 41.8 30.3 0.0671 0.0021 1.2135 0.0382 0.1309 0.0014 839 63 807 18 793 8 7 0.05 32.8 24.7 0.0644 0.0024 1.1828 0.0435 0.1336 0.0018 755 78 793 20 809 10 8 0.06 28.4 21.3 0.0666 0.0026 1.2091 0.0461 0.1321 0.0017 833 81 805 21 800 10 9 0.05 30.1 22.7 0.0649 0.0024 1.1871 0.0449 0.1324 0.0018 772 78 795 21 802 10 10 0.06 33.5 26.8 0.0673 0.0021 1.2221 0.0402 0.1316 0.0015 850 69 811 18 797 9 11 0.07 34.7 27.8 0.0641 0.0021 1.1741 0.0416 0.1329 0.0017 746 69 789 19 805 9 12 0.07 35.4 27.8 0.0655 0.0022 1.1893 0.0409 0.1315 0.0014 791 70 796 19 797 8 13 0.05 26.8 24.9 0.0659 0.0024 1.2069 0.0454 0.1329 0.0015 806 78 804 21 805 9 14 0.06 26.5 23.3 0.0659 0.0024 1.2034 0.0447 0.1326 0.0018 806 76 802 21 803 11 15 0.07 31.9 26.3 0.0656 0.0023 1.1928 0.0429 0.1319 0.0016 791 74 797 20 799 9 16 0.07 31.7 26.4 0.0640 0.0023 1.1545 0.0415 0.1312 0.0017 740 78 779 20 795 10 17 0.09 36.4 26.5 0.0675 0.0023 1.2417 0.0448 0.1332 0.0016 854 68 820 20 806 9 18 0.06 37.7 27.9 0.0648 0.0021 1.1770 0.0381 0.1319 0.0015 766 67 790 18 798 8 19 0.08 32.3 26.3 0.0667 0.0022 1.2193 0.0401 0.1326 0.0015 829 69 809 18 803 8 20 0.07 38.5 32.3 0.0641 0.0033 1.1835 0.0586 0.1340 0.0029 746 107 793 27 811 17 21 0.04 33.6 26.6 0.0646 0.0021 1.1695 0.0382 0.1314 0.0015 763 67 786 18 796 9 22 0.02 37.5 30.1 0.0668 0.0025 1.2268 0.0469 0.1331 0.0019 831 78 813 21 806 11 23 0.06 37.7 27.4 0.0672 0.0025 1.2194 0.0470 0.1318 0.0018 844 78 810 22 798 11 24 0.07 41.5 30.2 0.0643 0.0027 1.1768 0.0515 0.1327 0.0020 750 91 790 24 803 11 25 0.07 40.5 29.6 0.0649 0.0026 1.1802 0.0463 0.1324 0.0017 772 85 791 22 801 10 26 0.07 36.0 26.3 0.0666 0.0025 1.2160 0.0462 0.1321 0.0015 833 78 808 21 800 8 27 0.09 26.2 29.7 0.0643 0.0029 1.1701 0.0516 0.1320 0.0019 750 94 787 24 799 11 28 0.05 27.6 20.8 0.0654 0.0027 1.2025 0.0515 0.1334 0.0015 787 87 802 24 807 9 29 0.05 35.5 28.1 0.0655 0.0026 1.1997 0.0460 0.1330 0.0017 791 83 800 21 805 10 30 0.09 34.2 26.9 0.0660 0.0022 1.1966 0.0394 0.1315 0.0016 806 66 799 18 797 9 31 0.08 40.3 32.0 0.0678 0.0030 1.2244 0.0523 0.1314 0.0018 861 94 812 24 796 10 32 0.06 40.4 26.6 0.0668 0.0023 1.1941 0.0427 0.1299 0.0015 831 68 798 20 787 9 33 0.03 29.4 24.2 0.0647 0.0024 1.2021 0.0484 0.1346 0.0017 765 80 802 22 814 10 34 0.07 31.9 24.9 0.0642 0.0024 1.1775 0.0435 0.1331 0.0018 748 50 790 20 806 10 35 0.06 29.7 22.4 0.0673 0.0026 1.2187 0.0466 0.1314 0.0018 856 80 809 21 796 10 36 0.06 29.7 22.6 0.0672 0.0025 1.2232 0.0476 0.1321 0.0016 843 80 811 22 800 9 Durango
样品元素含量(μg/g) 同位素比值 年龄(Ma) Pb Th U 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ 1 0.08 431.4 28.8 0.2609 0.0390 0.1497 0.0152 0.0059 0.0003 3254 238 142 13 38 2 2 0.16 559.8 37.9 0.2094 0.0432 0.1321 0.0279 0.0056 0.0006 2901 340 126 25 36 4 3 0.10 433.2 28.8 0.1793 0.0460 0.1610 0.0182 0.0060 0.0002 2646 439 152 16 38 1 4 0.10 422.8 28.2 0.3682 0.0938 0.1775 0.0180 0.0061 0.0002 3784 397 166 16 39 1 5 0.11 450.0 30.0 0.2383 0.0354 0.1548 0.0150 0.0061 0.0002 3109 239 146 13 39 1 6 0.13 441.0 29.3 0.2216 0.0464 0.1468 0.0359 0.0059 0.0002 2992 342 139 32 38 1 7 0.12 443.7 29.4 0.2602 0.1103 0.0983 0.0158 0.0058 0.0002 3248 724 95 15 37 1 8 0.09 445.7 29.5 0.2118 0.0395 0.1282 0.0149 0.0062 0.0002 2919 307 122 13 40 2 9 0.11 427.5 28.4 0.0000 0.0000 0.1779 0.0144 0.0064 0.0002 − − 166 12 41 1 10 0.09 433.5 29.1 0.2339 0.0267 0.1431 0.0141 0.0056 0.0002 3079 183 136 13 36 2 11 0.09 423.3 28.5 0.2342 0.0271 0.1430 0.0140 0.0056 0.0002 3081 186 136 12 36 2 12 0.09 411.9 27.7 0.2208 0.0279 0.1462 0.0141 0.0061 0.0002 2987 204 139 13 39 1 13 0.10 417.3 28.4 0.1753 0.0392 0.1312 0.0136 0.0057 0.0002 2609 375 125 12 37 1 14 0.12 399.9 27.0 0.0774 0.0990 0.1272 0.0158 0.0058 0.0003 1132 1488 122 14 37 2 15 0.10 414.8 27.8 0.1731 0.0434 0.1216 0.0142 0.0059 0.0002 2588 430 117 13 38 2 16 0.10 431.4 28.8 0.1954 0.0215 0.1444 0.0134 0.0064 0.0003 2789 181 137 12 41 2 17 0.12 433.4 28.9 0.2054 0.0628 0.0858 0.0144 0.0057 0.0002 2869 519 84 13 36 2 18 0.10 430.5 28.6 0.1547 0.1071 0.1729 0.0148 0.0061 0.0002 2398 1591 162 13 39 2 19 0.10 449.8 29.4 0.1582 0.0499 0.1346 0.0166 0.0061 0.0003 2437 559 128 15 39 2 20 0.11 437.4 28.6 0.2234 0.0260 0.1710 0.0156 0.0064 0.0002 3005 188 160 14 41 2 21 0.08 437.2 28.6 0.4834 0.2508 0.1420 0.0145 0.0058 0.0002 4192 1122 135 13 38 1 22 0.08 441.5 28.8 0.2613 0.0529 0.1755 0.0182 0.0058 0.0002 3255 324 164 16 37 2 23 0.11 502.3 33.0 0.2055 0.0281 0.1446 0.0190 0.0061 0.0003 2870 224 137 17 39 2 24 0.07 442.4 29.0 0.2263 0.0602 0.1714 0.0167 0.0058 0.0003 3026 440 161 14 37 2 25 0.12 428.2 28.0 0.2170 0.0418 0.1360 0.0149 0.0059 0.0002 2958 316 129 13 38 2 26 0.13 499.2 32.8 0.1948 0.0392 0.1548 0.0223 0.0060 0.0003 2784 335 146 20 38 2 27 0.10 419.7 27.8 0.1378 0.0305 0.1292 0.0145 0.0063 0.0002 2200 393 123 13 40 1 28 0.11 423.3 28.0 0.1976 0.0239 0.1311 0.0140 0.0060 0.0002 2806 199 125 13 39 1 29 0.09 462.6 30.5 0.2353 0.0340 0.1545 0.0171 0.0060 0.0003 3089 233 146 15 38 2 30 0.09 500.1 33.2 0.2165 0.0291 0.1526 0.0184 0.0060 0.0003 2955 223 144 16 38 2 31 0.09 431.8 28.4 0.2207 0.0427 0.1393 0.0151 0.0061 0.0003 2987 321 132 13 39 2 32 0.10 440.8 28.9 0.1693 0.0335 0.1382 0.0158 0.0061 0.0002 2551 337 131 14 39 2 33 0.07 444.7 28.8 0.2302 0.0773 0.1586 0.0161 0.0059 0.0002 3053 560 150 14 38 2 34 0.10 439.3 28.5 0.2513 0.0501 0.1576 0.0162 0.0059 0.0003 3194 321 149 14 38 2 35 0.09 447.6 29.5 0.2095 0.0381 0.1414 0.0161 0.0060 0.0003 2902 299 134 14 39 2 36 0.15 457.4 29.8 0.2327 0.0289 0.1741 0.0167 0.0066 0.0003 3072 200 163 14 43 2 Otter Lake
样品元素含量(μg/g) 同位素比值 年龄(Ma) Pb Th U 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ 1 1.74 553.4 147.8 0.1408 0.0155 3.2691 0.3406 0.1664 0.0041 2239 191 1474 81 992 23 2 1.41 263.3 93.4 0.1445 0.0099 3.4504 0.2251 0.1714 0.0026 2283 118 1516 51 1020 14 3 1.77 182.6 56.8 0.2146 0.0054 5.4643 0.1614 0.1843 0.0034 2940 40 1895 25 1090 19 4 0.95 178.6 38.6 0.2521 0.0051 6.8339 0.1775 0.1957 0.0027 3198 32 2090 23 1152 15 5 1.39 437.1 60.0 0.1715 0.0036 4.0178 0.1046 0.1687 0.0018 2573 34 1638 21 1005 10 6 1.23 330.8 39.1 0.1935 0.0042 4.8208 0.1160 0.1807 0.0021 2773 35 1789 20 1071 11 7 1.23 666.1 104.9 0.1343 0.0025 3.0840 0.0610 0.1661 0.0013 2155 31 1429 15 990 7 8 1.11 383.3 69.6 0.1691 0.0035 4.0172 0.0975 0.1711 0.0015 2550 35 1638 20 1018 8 9 1.13 498.6 84.0 0.1606 0.0036 3.7315 0.1008 0.1664 0.0014 2462 33 1578 22 992 8 10 0.88 103.1 19.1 0.2963 0.0087 8.4443 0.2636 0.2052 0.0027 3451 45 2280 28 1203 14 11 1.14 159.7 21.1 0.3107 0.0099 9.0356 0.3412 0.2082 0.0028 3524 48 2342 35 1219 15 12 1.30 231.7 40.2 0.2126 0.0047 5.2309 0.1247 0.1781 0.0016 2926 30 1858 20 1057 9 13 1.24 136.3 32.1 0.2111 0.0052 5.2680 0.1336 0.1806 0.0022 2914 40 1864 22 1070 12 14 0.98 329.4 51.8 0.1909 0.0039 4.6007 0.1112 0.1735 0.0018 2750 33 1749 20 1031 10 15 1.12 238.0 36.6 0.2253 0.0047 5.6751 0.1391 0.1815 0.0020 3020 34 1928 21 1075 11 16 1.20 140.6 42.7 0.1820 0.0040 4.3601 0.1006 0.1733 0.0015 2672 36 1705 19 1030 9 17 1.21 119.6 40.0 0.1788 0.0033 4.3273 0.0882 0.1748 0.0015 2642 29 1699 17 1038 8 18 1.34 533.7 71.4 0.1597 0.0045 3.8424 0.1145 0.1733 0.0018 2454 48 1602 24 1030 10 19 0.86 346.3 48.2 0.1794 0.0050 4.1841 0.1245 0.1680 0.0030 2647 47 1671 24 1001 17 20 1.17 165.4 46.2 0.2051 0.0062 5.1698 0.1756 0.1809 0.0024 2878 50 1848 29 1072 13 21 0.93 225.6 28.2 0.2170 0.0052 5.5341 0.1614 0.1838 0.0024 2958 39 1906 25 1087 13 22 1.26 202.3 54.5 0.1911 0.0052 4.8397 0.1826 0.1796 0.0022 2752 45 1792 32 1065 12 23 1.23 120.1 45.2 0.1886 0.0049 4.6458 0.1577 0.1759 0.0024 2731 42 1758 28 1044 13 24 1.20 95.0 26.7 0.2904 0.0085 8.3242 0.2427 0.2085 0.0040 3420 45 2267 26 1221 22 25 0.81 306.3 20.0 0.3252 0.0093 10.0052 0.3691 0.2188 0.0038 3594 44 2435 34 1275 20 26 0.81 587.8 35.9 0.2186 0.0056 5.4828 0.1482 0.1810 0.0020 2970 41 1898 23 1073 11 27 0.76 193.6 33.3 0.2319 0.0051 5.9810 0.1408 0.1863 0.0018 3065 35 1973 21 1101 10 28 0.82 515.3 30.1 0.2139 0.0051 5.3590 0.1448 0.1803 0.0018 2935 38 1878 23 1068 10 29 1.49 552.5 96.7 0.1562 0.0053 3.7183 0.1717 0.1693 0.0029 2417 53 1575 37 1008 16 30 0.82 146.4 28.9 0.2685 0.0093 7.5063 0.2963 0.1995 0.0029 3297 54 2174 35 1173 16 31 1.50 243.4 36.4 0.2164 0.0048 5.5621 0.1449 0.1847 0.0018 2955 36 1910 22 1092 10 32 1.11 264.0 36.1 0.2655 0.0094 7.5285 0.3287 0.1988 0.0027 3280 56 2176 39 1169 15 33 1.05 294.6 44.3 0.2400 0.0057 6.4487 0.2019 0.1916 0.0022 3120 37 2039 28 1130 12 34 1.46 289.1 41.1 0.2489 0.0065 6.6652 0.2106 0.1928 0.0027 3189 42 2068 28 1136 15 35 0.83 96.1 33.2 0.2127 0.0075 5.5419 0.1837 0.1878 0.0027 2928 58 1907 29 1109 15 36 1.09 671.2 106.2 0.1675 0.0079 4.6291 0.4488 0.1750 0.0049 2533 79 1755 81 1039 27 -
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