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王冠, 董俊, 徐国栋, 胡志中

王冠, 董俊, 徐国栋, 胡志中. 偏硼酸锂熔融-电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法结合扫描电镜-能谱测定锡矿石中锡钨锌铜铁锰[J]. 岩矿测试, 2023, 42(1): 114-124. DOI: 10.15898/j.cnki.11-2131/td.202102100023
引用本文: 王冠, 董俊, 徐国栋, 胡志中. 偏硼酸锂熔融-电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法结合扫描电镜-能谱测定锡矿石中锡钨锌铜铁锰[J]. 岩矿测试, 2023, 42(1): 114-124. DOI: 10.15898/j.cnki.11-2131/td.202102100023
WANG Guan, DONG Jun, XU Gongdong, HU Zhizhong. Determination of Tin, Tungsten, Zinc, Copper, Iron, and Manganese in Tin Ore by Lithium Metaborate Fusion-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry Combined with Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2023, 42(1): 114-124. DOI: 10.15898/j.cnki.11-2131/td.202102100023
Citation: WANG Guan, DONG Jun, XU Gongdong, HU Zhizhong. Determination of Tin, Tungsten, Zinc, Copper, Iron, and Manganese in Tin Ore by Lithium Metaborate Fusion-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry Combined with Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2023, 42(1): 114-124. DOI: 10.15898/j.cnki.11-2131/td.202102100023



中国地质调查局地质调查项目 12120113021800


    王冠,硕士,高级工程师,主要从事扫描电子显微镜及岩石矿物分析工作。E-mail: 38380020@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: O657.31

Determination of Tin, Tungsten, Zinc, Copper, Iron, and Manganese in Tin Ore by Lithium Metaborate Fusion-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry Combined with Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry

  • 摘要:



    (1) 采用非氧化性熔剂偏硼酸锂熔融分解锡矿石,超声波振荡提取熔盐,前处理简单快捷、准确度高,环境污染小。

    (2) 通过扫描电镜-能谱微区分析发现随着熔剂的增加,熔珠表面结构呈松散向致密均匀的规律性变化,硼残留也逐渐增多,以此确定了熔剂与样品的最佳配比7:1可实现样品完全熔融。

    (3) 在标准溶液中加入与样品分解流程中引入的0.7%锂盐,基体干扰可以忽略不计。


    (1) Tin ore samples were melted by non-oxidizing flux lithium metaborate, and the molten sample was extracted by ultrasonic vibration. The sample pretreatment was simple and fast, with high accuracy and low environmental pollution.

    (2) Scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDX) analysis revealed that with the increase of flux, the surface structure of the molten bead changed regularly from loose to dense and uniform, and the residual boron gradually increased. The optimal ratio of flux to sample was determined to be 7:1, which melted the sample completely.

    (3) The 0.7% lithium salt introduced in the sample decomposition was added to the standard solution, and the matrix interference was negligible.

  • 图  1   残渣形貌图(扫描电镜图片)

    Figure  1.   Scanning electron microscope pictures of the residue.

    图  2   残渣成分能谱数据图

    Figure  2.   Energy spectrum diagrams of residue composition.

    图  3   熔珠形貌图(扫描电镜图片)

    Figure  3.   Scanning electron microscope picture of the residue.

    图  4   熔珠成分能谱图

    Figure  4.   Energy spectrum diagrams of molten bead.

    表  1   仪器参考工作条件

    Table  1   Reference operating conditions of the instrument

    工作参数 设定值 工作参数 设定值
    射频功率 1150W 冲洗泵速 50r/min
    雾化气流速 0.2L/min 分析泵速 50r/min
    辅助气流速 0.5L/min 积分时间 长波段5s
    样品冲洗时间 30s 短波段7s
    垂直观测高度 10mm 氩气 99.999%
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    表  2   标准溶液系列

    Table  2   Standard solution series

    元素 浓度(μg/mL)
    Sn 0 0.5 5 10 20 -
    W 0 0.1 0.5 5 20 -
    Zn 0 0.1 0.5 5 20 50
    Cu 0 0.1 1 10 50 100
    Fe 0 5 20 100 200 500
    Mn 0 0.1 0.5 5 20 -
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    表  3   各元素测定波长和背景扣除模式

    Table  3   Measurement wavelength and background subtraction mode

    级次 左背景 右背景 峰位
    位置 主要干扰 位置 主要干扰
    Sn 189.989 477 1+2 / 11+12 / 7+8
    W 239.709 141 1+2 / 11+12 / 6+7
    Zn 206.200 164 1+2 / 11+12 / 6+7
    Cu 327.396 103 2+3 / 11+12 / 7+8
    Fe 259.940 130 2+3 / 11+12 / 7+8
    Mn 257.610 131 1+2 / 11+12 / 7+8
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    表  4   熔融温度的影响

    Table  4   Effects of fusion temperature

    元素 不同熔融温度下的测定值(%) 标准值
    900℃ 950℃ 1000℃ 1050℃ 1100℃
    Sn 3.96 4.32 4.36 4.39 4.28 4.47±0.08
    W 0.047 0.058 0.062 0.059 0.056 0.068±0.005
    Zn 0.68 0.75 0.71 0.68 0.69 0.74±0.02
    Cu 0.25 0.27 0.26 0.25 0.24 0.26±0.01
    Fe 24.72 25.16 25.06 25.23 25.09 25.13±0.25
    Mn 0.76 0.89 0.93 0.92 0.88 0.91±0.05
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    表  5   方法精密度和准确度

    Table  5   Precision and accuracy tests of the method

    项目 Sn W Zn Cu Fe Mn
    含量测定均值(%) 4.31 0.056 0.76 0.23 24.61 0.87
    标准值(%) 4.47±0.08 0.068±0.005 0.74±0.02 0.26±0.01 25.31±0.25 0.91±0.05
    相对误差(%) 4.20 8.80 1.33 6.12 1.40 2.25
    RSD(%) 1.20 8.06 2.01 3.21 2.36 3.87
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    表  6   本文ICP-OES方法与GB/T 15924—2010方法测定Sn含量数据对比

    Table  6   Comparison of Sn content determined by ICP-OES and GB/T 15924—2010 method

    Sn含量4次平行测定值(μg/g) Sn含量测定平均值(μg/g) GB/T 15924 —2010方法Sn测定值(μg/g) 相对误差(%) DZ/T 0130.3 —2006规定允许相对误差(%)
    12218 11962
    12019 10889
    11772 12166 3.24 6.39
    8398 8466
    8019 7905
    8182 7854 4.18 7.12
    5005 4879
    5612 4784
    5070 4783 6.01 8.06
    GBW07282 11876 11634
    12959 12015
    12121 11827 2.48 6.39
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    表  7   酸溶和偏硼酸锂熔融法测定铁、铜、锌、锰、钨数据比对

    Table  7   Comparison of iron, copper, zinc, manganese, and tungsten content determined by acid dissolution and lithium metaborate fusion

    样品编号 W含量(%) Zn含量(%) Cu含量(%) Fe含量(%) Mn含量(%)
    酸溶 偏硼酸锂熔融 相对误差 酸溶 偏硼酸锂熔融 相对误差 酸溶 偏硼酸锂熔融 相对误差 酸溶 偏硼酸锂熔融 相对误差 酸溶 偏硼酸锂熔融 相对误差
    锡矿样品1 0.0080 0.0068 8.11 0.014 0.011 12.00 0.010 0.0089 5.82 0.89 0.81 4.71 0.041 0.036 6.49
    锡矿样品2 0.037 0.038 1.33 0.015 0.018 9.09 0.022 0.018 10.00 1.75 1.69 1.74 0.17 0.14 9.68
    锡矿样品3 0.040 0.034 8.11 0.017 0.020 8.11 0.0044 0.0051 7.37 1.52 1.38 1.38 0.15 0.16 3.23
    锡矿样品4 0.036 0.030 9.09 0.28 0.25 5.66 0.070 0.082 7.89 1.84 1.69 4.25 0.068 0.059 7.09
    锡矿样品5 0.041 0.040 1.23 0.14 0.13 3.70 0.035 0.039 5.41 1.76 1.70 1.73 0.075 0.062 9.49
    GBW07281 0.068 0.057 8.80 0.74 0.76 1.33 0.26 0.23 6.12 25.31 24.29 2.06 0.91 0.81 5.81
    GBW07282 0.015 0.013 7.14 0.91 0.96 2.67 0.32 0.29 4.92 24.06 23.80 0.54 0.33 0.34 1.49
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  • 收稿日期:  2021-02-09
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