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ZHANG Jian, CHEN Hua, LU Tai-jin, QIU Zhi-li, WEI Ran, KE Jie. Microanalysis of the Carbon Isotopic Composition in Diamonds from Shangdong of China by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2012, 31(4): 591-596.
Citation: ZHANG Jian, CHEN Hua, LU Tai-jin, QIU Zhi-li, WEI Ran, KE Jie. Microanalysis of the Carbon Isotopic Composition in Diamonds from Shangdong of China by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2012, 31(4): 591-596.

Microanalysis of the Carbon Isotopic Composition in Diamonds from Shangdong of China by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry

More Information
  • Received Date: November 28, 2011
  • Multi-stage growth and its significance in Shandong diamonds, China has been comprehensively studied, whereas microanalysis of δ13C is absent for diamonds at different stage and inner variation. 10 gem-quality Shandong diamond plates were investigated by Second Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) and cathodoluminescence. It was found that the carbon isotopic composition of Shandong diamonds varies over a narrow range, from -5.6‰ to -2.01‰ with an average δ13C of -3.63‰. The range was generally in accordance with the previously studied carbon isotope compositions (δ13C values from -14.71‰ to -0.46‰, mainly lying between -9‰ and -4‰) of diamonds in the North China Croton, which was also within the range of δ13C values of global peridotitic diamonds and mantle(-8‰--2‰). Associated with cathodoluminescence imaged growth zones, variations of δ13C within a diamond from core to rim were concluded. δ13C trends to heavier from core to rim within the same growth zone, while the variations are different between multi-phase growth zones. The variations of δ13C values in diamonds reveal complication of growth environment and conditions in the region, also provide quantitative data to study the mantle carbon cycle in the North China Croton.
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