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Reviews on Articles in the Issue
2013, 32(4): FormerⅢ-FormerⅤ.
Abstract PDF
Some New Trends of the Present Geological-Exploration Work and the New Contribution of Rock and Mineral Analysis Work
Deng-hong WANG, Wen-jun QU
2013, 32(4): 532-537.
Abstract PDF
On-site Analysis of Cu, Pb and Zn in Polymetallic Ores from Qimantage Area by Vehicle-loaded Polarized Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer with Acid Digestion
Li-jun KUAI, Xing-tao1 FAN, Xiu-chun ZHAN, Ya-mei GAO, Ji-sheng LI, Qing-hai JU
2013, 32(4): 538-546.
Abstract PDF
In situ Sr-Nd Isotopic Measurement of Apatite Using Laser Ablation Multi-collector Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
Ke-jun HOU, Yan QIN, Yan-he LI, Chang-fu FAN
2013, 32(4): 547-554.
Abstract PDF
Improvements for Analytical Procedure of Al for Cosmogenic 26Al/10Be Burial Dating
Hai-xu LI, Guan-jun SHEN, Yao-ming ZHOU
2013, 32(4): 555-560.
Abstract PDF
Characterization of Oxide Interference for the Determination of Rare Earth Elements in Geological Samples by High Resolution ICP-MS
Guan WANG, Hua-ling LI, Jing REN, Bo YANG, Zhi-zhong HU
2013, 32(4): 561-567.
Abstract PDF
Quantification of Cr in Natural Sparkling Mineral Waters by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
Bao-ke ZHANG, Lei WANG, Sheng-feng MA
2013, 32(4): 568-571.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Pt and Pd in Copper Concentrate Ores by ICP-MS Using D290 Anion Exchange Resin and Activated Charcoal for Concentration
De-xin HU, Song-hai GU, Hai REN, De-qi MA, Li-fei YANG, Ming-yue SU
2013, 32(4): 572-575.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Au and Pt in Geological Samples by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry with Concentrate and Extraction by Foam Plastics and Thiourea
Xiang-lei LIU, Tian-yao WEN, Wen-jun SUN, Wei-li YAO, Teng-fei WANG, Jun-wen WU
2013, 32(4): 576-580.
Abstract PDF
Determination of High Content Sulfur in Molybdenum Ore and Nickel Ore Using High Frequency Combustion-Infrared Absorption Spectrometry
Xiao-song WANG, Xi CHEN, Xiao-qiang WANG, Sha-bai HE, Guang-yu YANG
2013, 32(4): 581-585.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Chloride and Sulfate in Trona Ores by Ion Chromatography
Mei-ying WANG, Min-jie WANG, Peng-cheng LI, Yan-hua LI, Xiao-ran DU
2013, 32(4): 586-589.
Abstract PDF
SUCELL Test Conditions Optimization of HELOS/BF Laser Particle Size Analyzer
Xin-cheng LU, Jing-yang CAO
2013, 32(4): 590-594.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Total Manganese in Manganese Ores with an Automatic Potentiometric Titration Method
De-qi MA, Song-hai GU, Guo-sheng ZHANG, Yao WU, Juan HAN
2013, 32(4): 595-599.
Abstract PDF
Preparation and Certification of Nickel Ore and Nickel Concentrate Reference Materials
Zhi-zhong CHENG, Mei LIU, Hong-ku HUANG, Tie-xin GU, YAN Wei-dong YAN
2013, 32(4): 600-607.
Abstract PDF
The Green Spots in Nephrite—Grossularite
Xiao-yan FENG, Mei-dong SHEN, Yong ZHANG, Tai-jin LU
2013, 32(4): 608-612.
Abstract PDF
Mechanism Study of Cadmium(Ⅱ) Adsorption on Thiol-Modified Montmorillonite
Xia-ping ZHU, Hui LIU, Jun TAN, Wen-hua LIU, Chao FENG
2013, 32(4): 613-620.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Pb Isotopes in Crude Oil by ICP-MS and Application in Identification of Oil Sources
Jing-xi LI, Jun-fei LI, Li-jie GAO, Li ZHENG, Xiao-ru WANG
2013, 32(4): 621-626.
Abstract PDF
Method for the Determination of Trace Elements in the Carbonate Fraction of Marine Sediments
YIMANHAZI Jia-li-sen, Hai-ou QIU, Ao WANG, Da-bo WANG, Shao-zhan TANG, Zhi-yong TANG
2013, 32(4): 627-631.
Abstract PDF
Lead Pollution and Isotopic Signature of the Dusts around Urban Roads in Shihezi City, Xinjiang Province
Yong HUANG, Bo GAO, Jian-kang WANG, Qiang LI, Tai-jun GUO
2013, 32(4): 632-637.
Abstract PDF
Geochemistry Evalution on Soil of Xinyang Chestnut Growth in Henan Province
Chao-liang LIU, Yang YANG, Shuang WANG, Lei ZHANG
2013, 32(4): 638-643.
Abstract PDF
Direct Determination of Pb in Cosmetics by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry with Suspension Sampling
Li LIN, Ji-jun YAO, Ren-kang YANG, Ji-hong SUN
2013, 32(4): 644-648.
Abstract PDF
Contrastive Study of Sample-pretreatment Effects on Analytical Results of Inorganic Carbon Isotopes in Water Sample
Xia WU, Lin-ling TU, Hui YANG, Hua WANG, Xiao-yan ZHU, Mei-liang ZHANG
2013, 32(4): 649-658.
Abstract PDF
Distribution and Diffusion of Organochlorine Pesticides in Soils from an Abandoned Manufacturing Site
Dan QU, Shi-zhong JIANG, Zhen-wu TANG, Jie HE, Jia-li CHENG
2013, 32(4): 649-658.
Abstract PDF
On-site Determination of Vanadium in High Barium Geological Samples by Portable X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
2013, 32(4): 665-667.
Abstract PDF