• Scopus
  • Core Journal of China
  • Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD)
  • Chinese Scientific and Technical Paper and Citation Database (CSTPCD)

Determination of Na, K and Li in Drinking Water using Emission Mode by AAS
2008, 27(6): 481-481.
Abstract PDF
Microwave Digestion of Zirconium Dioxide and Aluminum Oxide
2008, 27(6): 482-482.
Abstract PDF
Advances in Bromine Speciation by High-performance Liquid Chromatography-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
2008, 27(6): 483-484.
Abstract PDF
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometric Determination of Semi-volatile Organic Compounds in Water Samples with Segment Selected Ion Monitoring Mode
2008, 27(6): 401-404.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Methylmercury and Ethylmercury in Biological Samples by Alkaline Digestion-High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Inductively Coupled Plamas Mass Spectrometry
YANG Hong-xia, LIU Wei, LI Bing
2008, 27(6): 405-408.
Abstract PDF
Environmental Geochemical Migration of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Xuzhou Urban Area
GE Xiao-li, JIAO Xing-chun, YUAN Xin, LI Qi, LUO Song-guang, SUN Wei-lin
2008, 27(6): 409.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Soil Samples by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry with Purge and Trap Pretreatment
JIA Jing, RAO Zhu
2008, 27(6): 413-417.
Abstract PDF
Application of BJKF-1 Portable Near-infrared Mineral Analyzer in Identification of Gemstones and Jades
SUN Hai-tao, LV Shu-hong
2008, 27(6): 418-422.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of Iron Ores from Mongolian by Polarized Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
GENG Gang-qiang, NING Guo-dong, WANG Qiao-ling, DING Hui, ZHU Ming-da, BAI Fu-quan, DONG Hai-cheng, NIU Su-qin, WANG Zai-tian
2008, 27(6): 423-426.
Abstract PDF
Determination of 14 Micro-amount of Elements in Biological Samples by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry with Microwave Digestion
LIU Hong-qing, SUN Yue-ting, SHI Xiao-lu, ZHANG Yong
2008, 27(6): 427-430.
Abstract PDF
Separation and Enrichment with Sulfhydryl Cotton-Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometric Determination of Trace Mercury in Barite
CHEN Yan, LI Yong, LI Chang-qing
2008, 27(6): 431.
Abstract PDF
Specific Isotope Analysis of Lipid Biomarker Compounds Applied in Paleoclimate and Paleoenvironment Reconstruction
WANG Xiao-hua, SHI Li-ming, LIU Mei-mei, SUN Qing, CHU Guo-qiang
2008, 27(6): 435-440.
Abstract PDF
The RoHS Directive and Responses from China
AN Zi-yi, WANG Ya-ping, XU Chun-xue, WANG Su-ming, WANG Lan
2008, 27(6): 441-450.
Abstract PDF
Application and Development of High-energy Polarized Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
JI Ang, LI Guo-hui, ZHANG Hua
2008, 27(6): 451-462.
Abstract PDF
The Application of Excel Macro in the Rapid Processing of Geoanalyticai Data
HU Jian-ping, SUN Yang
2008, 27(6): 463-466.
Abstract PDF
An Interface Program for Data Processing in Gas Chromatographic Analysis
LIU Yu-long, MIAO De-ren, WANG Su-ming
2008, 27(6): 467-469.
Abstract PDF
Physical-Chemical Properties of Deposits with High Aluminum and Titanium in Chenggang Blast Furnace Hearth
ZHANG Zhen-feng, LV Qing, CHEN Hong-jian, ZHANG Shu-hui, LI Fu-min
2008, 27(6): 470-472.
Abstract PDF
Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometric Determination of Impurity Elements in Kaolin Clay
CHEN Yong-xin, RUAN Gui-wu, XIE Yu-qun, CAI Wei-zhuan
2008, 27(6): 473-474.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Aluminum in Bauxites by Fluorate Replacement-EDTA Titrimetry
MENG Ya-dong, SUN Luo-xin, FU Xiao-qiang, YANG Gui-song, SHEN Kai-hong
2008, 27(6): 475-476.
Abstract PDF
In-situ Analysis of Trace Iron in Natural Water and Chemical Exploration Samples by Micro-bead Colorimetry
LI Feng, XI Yong-ting
2008, 27(6): 477-478.
Abstract PDF
Mercury Thiocyanate Spectrophotometric Determination of Chlorine in Ores
CHEN Yun-ping, TANG Jin-song
2008, 27(6): 479-480.
Abstract PDF