• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
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Modification and Purification Experiments of Bentonite from Balikun in Xinjiang

  • 摘要: 以新疆巴里坤膨润土矿三个样品为原料,进行膨润土改性提纯试验的研究,结果表明,改性提纯后蒙脱石含量为87%~95%,采用洗涤去除石盐后悬浮液加热法更适用于样品的改性。通过离心机转速和分散剂对提纯效果影响的实验,得出离心提纯时采用离心机转速为2100r/min、分散剂采用六偏磷酸钠和水玻璃以质量比为1:1混合使用,提纯效果最佳,为新疆巴里坤膨润土的深加工奠定基础。


    Abstract: With bentonite deposit samples from Balikun as experiment materials, the bentonite modification and purification experiment was conducted with method of heating suspension liquid after removing the halite from bentonite. The results show that the montmorillonite content ranges from 87%~95% after modification and purification. The method is suitable for the modification of Balikun bentonite. The factors influencing the modification and purification effectiveness, such as rotation speed of the centrifuge and selection of dispersants, were discussed and optimized with centrifuge rotation speed of 2100 r/min and sodium hexametaphosphate and sodium silicate (with mass ratio of 1∶1) as dispersant. The study lays the foundation for the deep processing of Balikun bentonite deposit.


