• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
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Application Progress on Transmission Electron Microscopy in the Research of Rare Earth Deposits

  • 摘要: 透射电子显微镜(简称“透射电镜”)技术具非常高的空间分辨率和多样化的测试功能,可以获取样品非常全面的亚微米-纳米尺度的晶体结构和化学成分信息,是研究地质样品微观组成和结构的强有力工具,近年来越来越多地应用到包括矿床学在内的地球科学研究领域。本文以透射电镜在关键金属稀土矿产资源研究中的应用为例,在简述透射电镜的基本结构、工作原理、功能和制样方法基础上,重点综述了其在揭示碳酸岩型、伟晶岩型、风化壳离子吸附型、磷块岩型和深海沉积物型稀土矿床成矿特征和成因模式研究中的应用进展,包括氟碳铈矿的颗粒附着结晶生长机制,磷灰石和锆石受热液交代导致的矿物溶解、迁移和再沉淀过程,离子吸附型矿床中原生稀土矿物的微观结构和风化产物特征,磷灰石中稀土元素的纳米-原子尺度的赋存状态和替代机制等。提出了透射电镜研究过程中需要注意的事项和应用前景。


    Abstract: Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), having a remarkably high spatial resolution and diversified analysis capability, can be used to obtain very comprehensive composition, structure, and crystal chemistry of the samples under submicron-nanometer scale and is a powerful tool for studying the microscopic components and structure of geological samples. It has been applied increasingly in earth science, including mineral deposits. In this paper, TEM is used as an example of studying rare earth deposits. Firstly, we briefly introduce the TEM’s fundamental structure, working principles, function, and sample preparation method. Then, we review the application of TEM in the study of rare earth element (REE) deposits from carbonatite-, pegmatite-, granitoid weathering crust-, and phosphorite- to deep-sea sediment types. The work involves the bastnaesite’s growth mechanism of crystallization of particle attachment, the apatite and zircon’s dissolution, migration, and re-precipitation during hydrothermal metasomatism, the microstructure of primary REEs and the mineral types of weathering products in the granitoid weathering crust deposits, the apatite’s occurrence state and substitution mechanism of trace REEs at the nano to atom scale. Finally, the cautions and application prospects for the TEM in studying geology in the future are summarized.


