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LIU Jiu-chen, LIU Xiao-duan, XU Qing, TANG Qi-feng. Distribution Characteristics of Heavy Metals and Their Environmental Geochemical Baselines in Top Soils from Chongming Island of Shanghai City[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2010, 29(3): 245-249.
Citation: LIU Jiu-chen, LIU Xiao-duan, XU Qing, TANG Qi-feng. Distribution Characteristics of Heavy Metals and Their Environmental Geochemical Baselines in Top Soils from Chongming Island of Shanghai City[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2010, 29(3): 245-249.

Distribution Characteristics of Heavy Metals and Their Environmental Geochemical Baselines in Top Soils from Chongming Island of Shanghai City

More Information
  • Received Date: February 10, 2010
  • Revised Date: March 25, 2010
  • The distribution characteristics of heavy metals in surface soils of Chongming Island were studied. The results showed that the surface soils in Chongming did not suffer from anthropogenic pollution. The environmental geochemical baseline values for heavy metal elements of Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn and As in the surface soils of the Chongming Island were calculated using normalization procedure and the environmental geochemical baseline values for these heavy metal elements are 0.19, 71.97, 31.32, 24.79, 86.43, 8.34 μg/g respectively, which consistent with Shanghai soil background values. The results also showed that normalization procedure can effectively calculate the soil environmental geochemical baseline values of heavy metal elements and can provide basic geochemical information for the regional economic planning and the environment evaluation.
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