In this paper, the status and significance of geoanalysis in geological research and geological survey were demonstrated. The recent development of the geoanalytical techniques was reviewed briefly. The emphases was put on the tendency of geoanalytical technique development both domestic and abroad and also the progresses in research on geoanalytical techniques in CGS (China Geological Survey) laboratories in the last three years, including the techniques of inorganic analysis, organic analysis (environmental and petroleum geochemical analysis), isotopic analysis, field and in situ analysis, “green” (pollution-free) laboratory and sample preparation, research and development of scientific instruments and devices, data quality control and reference materials, construction of the basic conditions for scientific research and etc.. On the basis of the domestic development, the problems in the scientific research and the disparity with that of the advanced countries were discussed. The favorable conditions and the development prospects, as well as the measures to promote the development of geoanalytical techniques were also discussed. 178 references were cited.