Determination of Chlorine in Zinc Concentrates by Neutral Leaching out-Mercuric Thiocyanate-Ammonium Ferric Sulfate Spectrophotometry[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2008, 27(3): 227-229.
Determination of Chlorine in Zinc Concentrates by Neutral Leaching out-Mercuric Thiocyanate-Ammonium Ferric Sulfate Spectrophotometry[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2008, 27(3): 227-229.
Determination of Chlorine in Zinc Concentrates by Neutral Leaching out-Mercuric Thiocyanate-Ammonium Ferric Sulfate Spectrophotometry[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2008, 27(3): 227-229.
Determination of Chlorine in Zinc Concentrates by Neutral Leaching out-Mercuric Thiocyanate-Ammonium Ferric Sulfate Spectrophotometry[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2008, 27(3): 227-229.
A method for determination of chlorine in zinc concentrates by neutral leachingout ercuric thiocyanate mmonium ferric sulfate spectrophotometry is proposed in this paper. The recovery of the method is 95.62%~106.25% with the precision of 1.99%~7.37%RSD (n=7). Advantages of high accuracy, wide determination range (0.02%~4.0%), simple operation and rapidity are also provided by the method.