Study on Quantitative Analysis Method for Gibbsite in Accumulatied Type of Bauxite from Western Guangxi Province[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2004, (2): 87-91.
Study on Quantitative Analysis Method for Gibbsite in Accumulatied Type of Bauxite from Western Guangxi Province[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2004, (2): 87-91.
Study on Quantitative Analysis Method for Gibbsite in Accumulatied Type of Bauxite from Western Guangxi Province[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2004, (2): 87-91.
Study on Quantitative Analysis Method for Gibbsite in Accumulatied Type of Bauxite from Western Guangxi Province[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2004, (2): 87-91.
X-ray diffraction with standard increment method has been developed for quantitative analysis of gibbsite in accumulated type of bauxite. The results have been compared with those from chemical phase analysis with satisfaction. The results show that X-ray