Determination of High Content Uranium in Uranium Ores by Use of High Energy Gamma-Ray Spectrum of the Near-Uranium Daughter[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 1994, (1): 56-58.
Determination of High Content Uranium in Uranium Ores by Use of High Energy Gamma-Ray Spectrum of the Near-Uranium Daughter[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 1994, (1): 56-58.
Determination of High Content Uranium in Uranium Ores by Use of High Energy Gamma-Ray Spectrum of the Near-Uranium Daughter[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 1994, (1): 56-58.
Determination of High Content Uranium in Uranium Ores by Use of High Energy Gamma-Ray Spectrum of the Near-Uranium Daughter[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 1994, (1): 56-58.
he determination of high content uranium is effected by measurement of the weak 1 00 1keV gammaray of the near uranium daughter UX_2 using a coaxial high purity Ge detector. Thesmoothing of spectral data improves the stability. Repeated measurements of re