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Zhi-fei ZHAO, Hui YAN, Lan YAO, Jin-dong FANG, Xing-min TANG. Application of Normal Distribution to Estimate the Quality of Regional Geochemical Survey Samples[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2013, 32(1): 96-100.
Citation: Zhi-fei ZHAO, Hui YAN, Lan YAO, Jin-dong FANG, Xing-min TANG. Application of Normal Distribution to Estimate the Quality of Regional Geochemical Survey Samples[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2013, 32(1): 96-100.

Application of Normal Distribution to Estimate the Quality of Regional Geochemical Survey Samples

More Information
  • Received Date: March 26, 2012
  • Accepted Date: August 16, 2012
  • Published Date: January 31, 2013
  • The quality of regional geochemical survey samples is currently estimated indirectly by internal and external laboratory quality control. The method described here effectively improves the quality of geochemical samples. However, the improvement of the method is limited when the contents of the actual samples and external quality control samples have large differences. Since most elements are in accord with a normal distribution in a regional geochemical survey sample, a comparison was made between the real and standard normal distribution of the elements, which passed the normal distribution test and gave an estimate of the quality by using a comparison of the real and standard graph′s superposition using SPSS and Excel software. This method was directly applied to estimate the quality of analysis data for geochemical survey samples in Jiangxi province. The result of the normal distribution test indicated that the analysis data of the trace elements need a logarithmic conversion before the normal distribution can be studied. The quality evaluation method in this paper was not suitable for Ti, W and Cr etc in this area. The overlap ratios of 18 elements such as Co, Hg and Ga were more than 0.9. The overlap ratios of CaO and Na2O were less than 0.9. The results of the actual samples indicated that the detection limits need to be reduced in order to improve the analysis qualities of CaO and Na2O. It was a valuable attempt to directly evaluate the quality of analysis data for regional geochemical survey samples by using the method reported in this paper, which was a reference and supplement for the current methods of quality evaluation.
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