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Meng-qi TANG, Shun-qiong LIU, Huan-ming YUAN, Yu-qun XIE, Guo-wen LIU, Ming-gui LUO. Determination of Fluorine in Import Copper Ores by Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry with Pressed Powder Preparation[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2013, 32(2): 254-257.
Citation: Meng-qi TANG, Shun-qiong LIU, Huan-ming YUAN, Yu-qun XIE, Guo-wen LIU, Ming-gui LUO. Determination of Fluorine in Import Copper Ores by Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry with Pressed Powder Preparation[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2013, 32(2): 254-257.

Determination of Fluorine in Import Copper Ores by Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry with Pressed Powder Preparation

More Information
  • Received Date: February 12, 2012
  • Accepted Date: October 18, 2012
  • Published Date: March 31, 2013
  • Fluorine content in geological sample ore is often detected by Fluorine Ion Selective Electrode. This method does not meet the demands of analysing large amounts of imported copper ores, due to it being a complicated procedure with a lengthy analysis period. Major and minor components in copper ores have been detected by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry using the fusion method for sample preparation, but this method cannot detect fluorine content. In this paper, the method for detecting fluorine content in imported copper ores is presented by using Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry with pressed powder preparation. A calibration curve was established by using fifteen practical imported copper ore samples whose granularity was 0.074 mm. The application of the empirical coefficient method significantly reduced the particle and mineral effect, and the matrix effect. The relative standard deviation (RSD, n=11) of fluorine determined in imported copper ores was 0.30%. The detection limit of the method was 2.4 μg/g and the measuring range was from 0.030 % to 0.20%. The method has been applied to the determination of fluorine in standard materials and practical samples, and the analytical results were in good agreement with certified values of standard materials and values of practical samples determined by Fluorine Ion Selective Electrode. This method meets the routine inspection needs of fluorine content in imported copper ores, which is less than 0.10%.
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