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Jie LI, Wen CHEN, Xin-yu LIU, Yan ZHANG, Yue-long CHEN, Li YANG. Homogeneity Test of Cenozoic Sanidine SK01 as National Standard Reference Materials for 39Ar-40Ar Dating[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2013, 32(2): 213-220.
Citation: Jie LI, Wen CHEN, Xin-yu LIU, Yan ZHANG, Yue-long CHEN, Li YANG. Homogeneity Test of Cenozoic Sanidine SK01 as National Standard Reference Materials for 39Ar-40Ar Dating[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2013, 32(2): 213-220.

Homogeneity Test of Cenozoic Sanidine SK01 as National Standard Reference Materials for 39Ar-40Ar Dating

More Information
  • Received Date: August 30, 2012
  • Accepted Date: October 11, 2012
  • Published Date: March 31, 2013
  • The 39Ar-40Ar dating technique yields high-precision results, and all age data depend on accurate ages of National Standard Reference Materials that are irradiated together with the unknown age samples. Reference material is not only essential for obtaining 39Ar-40Ar isotopic age, but also the main factor to affect the quality of the 39Ar-40Ar age data. In order to eventually obtain accurate 39Ar-40Ar age, it′s is significant to develop reference materials with different age values. In this paper, Sanidine SK01 as the Cenozoic reference material of 39Ar-40Ar dating method was separated from hypabyssal quartz porphyry in the Fenghuo Mountain of Kekexili. Statistics of analytical data show that F value of 39Ar-40Ar of 0.857 was less than its threshold F value of 2.08, and its RSD of 0.66% was less than the required 5%. The good homogeneity of SK01 met the requirements of the national first-grade technical specification for standard materials as JJG 1006—1994. Through simulating the transport process, 39Ar-40Ar age analytical data showed that F value of 0.00697 was less than its threshold F value of 6.59, and its RSD of 0.58% was less than the required 5%, which proved samples maintained a good homogeneity during transport. In order to ensure the quality of 39Ar-40Ar dating, the minimum sample weight of 5 mg was recommended. The tests results indicated the homogeneity of Cenozoic sanidine SK01 is good, which satisfies the quantitative analysis of 39Ar-40Ar dating.
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