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Gang CHU, Xiao-guang JIANG, Zhong LIN, Wei-gang LI. Analysis of Phase Composition of Magnesite Clinker from Calcinated Brucite by X-ray Diffraction[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2010, 29(6): 707-710.
Citation: Gang CHU, Xiao-guang JIANG, Zhong LIN, Wei-gang LI. Analysis of Phase Composition of Magnesite Clinker from Calcinated Brucite by X-ray Diffraction[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2010, 29(6): 707-710.

Analysis of Phase Composition of Magnesite Clinker from Calcinated Brucite by X-ray Diffraction

More Information
  • Received Date: February 23, 2010
  • Accepted Date: June 23, 2010
  • Published Date: November 30, 2010
  • The X-ray diffraction (XRD) has been used to analyze phase composition of magnesite clinker from calcinated brucite with different process conditions. The major phase of raw brucite powder is Mg(OH)2 with content up to 85.9% and major impurities are Mg3Si2(OH)4O5, CaCO3 and CaMg(CO3)2. Most of Mg(OH)2 are decomposed into MgO under light calcined condition (700~1000℃) during the calcination at low temperature and about 12.3% of un-decomposed Mg(OH)2 forms new phase of Mg2SiO4. Mg(OH)2 in brucite is completely decomposed into MgO under dead-burned condition (1400~1800℃) and the impurities are Mg2SiO4 and CaCO3 with total content of 18.5%. The results provide the guidance for reforming purification process and improving the quality of magnesite clinker.
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