Citation: | LU Hui,YU Tao,ZHAO Wanfu,et al. Research Progress on the Migration, Enrichment and Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in a Soil-Grape System[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis,2024,43(6):982−996. DOI: 10.15898/j.ykcs.202404280102 |
As potentially toxic elements, the pollution level of heavy metals in vineyard soils directly affects the ecosystem balance and human health. This study analyzes the current related literature, focusing on the characteristics of heavy metal content in the soil-grape system of vineyards, their migration behavior, and the associated pollution risk assessment. The findings reveal that cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) significantly influence grape quality, while other heavy metals require close monitoring against national standards. The migration rate of heavy metals from soil to grape leaves can be up to 32 times higher than to the pulp. Accumulation levels typically follow the order: leaves≈roots>stems>pulp. Specifically, Zn accumulation in leaves and roots can reach as high as 93mg/kg and 51mg/kg, respectively, far exceeding the 0.53mg/kg observed in pulp. Soil pH, as a critical factor affecting heavy metal migration and accumulation, shows a negative correlation with the bioavailability of heavy metals, while organic matter content typically exhibits a positive correlation. Current findings also highlight the varietal differences in heavy metal migration; however, systematic studies on the interaction mechanisms among climatic conditions, soil types, and physiological traits remain limited. Future research should aim to comprehensively explore the factors influencing heavy metal migration and content within the system under regional environmental characteristics. The application of machine learning models is recommended to predict and evaluate interactions among heavy metals and their ecological risks under different pollution levels.
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