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ZHANG Yafeng,SHI Zeming,MIAO Guowen,et al. Genetic Types and Ecological Potential of Selenium-Enriched Land in the Northern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis,2025,x(x):1−11. DOI: 10.15898/j.ykcs.202307030087
Citation: ZHANG Yafeng,SHI Zeming,MIAO Guowen,et al. Genetic Types and Ecological Potential of Selenium-Enriched Land in the Northern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis,2025,x(x):1−11. DOI: 10.15898/j.ykcs.202307030087

Genetic Types and Ecological Potential of Selenium-Enriched Land in the Northern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau

More Information
  • Received Date: July 02, 2023
  • Revised Date: September 23, 2024
  • Accepted Date: March 07, 2025
  • Available Online: March 11, 2025
    (1) There are three Se-enriched types in the selenium-rich land on the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau: arid saline lake sedimentary type, sulfide mineralization type and organic matter adsorption type.
    (2) The sedimentary selenium-rich land in arid saline lake has the characteristics of stable Se source, moderate total amount of Se, high effective amount, low heavy metals, and a variety of beneficial elements.
    (3) The sedimentary Se-renriched land in arid saline lakes can produce relatively high-quality selenium-rich agricultural products, which have high utilization value and great ecological potential.

    The study of the genesis type of Se-enriched land found in the Qinghai—Tibet Plateau can provide a scientific basis for the construction of the research, development and utilization system of selenium resources on the Qinghai—Tibet Plateau, and has practical significance for improving the risk of low Se intake on the Qinghai—Tibet Plateau. On the basis of summarizing the characteristics and genesis types of the main natural Se-enriched lands in China, the distribution characteristics of Se and related elements were analyzed through the coordinated monitoring of soil and rock, and it was concluded that there were three types of Se-enriched lands in the northern margin of the Qinghai—Tibet Plateau, namely, arid saline lake sedimentary type, sulfide mineralization type and organic matter adsorption type. (1) Se content is at 0.30-1.16mg/kg in the sedimentary Se-enriched land of arid saline lake, and the heavy metals are lower than the risk control screening value, and are spatially superimposed and enriched with beneficial elements such as Sr, Mg, Fe, Ca, Mo, etc., and selenium is derived from the red mudstone weathering of the Xining Group, which has the advantages of stable Se source sedimentation, moderate total amount of Se, low heavy metals, and composite of a variety of beneficial elements, and is a type of Se with greater ecological potential in the northern margin of the Qinghai—Tibet Plateau and even the entire northwest region. (2) Se content in sulfide mineralized Se-enriched land is at 0.30-2.22mg/kg; Ni, Cd, Cr and As have 0.2%-2.4% over-screening values, and As has 0.1% over-control values, heavy metals have a high background, with potential ecological risks and high climate, cold and cool suitable for the production of crops and other disadvantages, which can be used to develop the understory economy and wild Chinese herbal medicine industry under monitoring. (3) Se content in the organic matter adsorption type Se-enriched land was at 0.30-0.59mg/kg; Ni, Cd, Cr and As do not exceed the standard, and Se has the dual effects of increasing forage nutrition and resisting heavy metal absorption, and the maximum ecological effect of Se can be regulated by further exploring the equilibrium conditions of organic matter in the process of adsorption and release of selenium.

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