Citation: | WANG Lan,CHU Quanli,GE Liangsheng,et al. Nuclear Forensic Analysis of Rare Earth Elements in Uranium Ore Concentrates[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis,2024,43(4):622−631. DOI: 10.15898/j.ykcs.202302030013 |
The distribution pattern of rare earth elements (REEs) in uranium ore concentrates (UOC) is an important fingerprint information for geological source tracing in nuclear forensics. It is particularly important to accurately determine the content of rare earth elements in UOC. Because of the large amount of the uranium matrix effect, the ionization efficiency of rare earth elements is low when determined by ICP-MS, and the results are significantly low. It is most important to remove the uranium matrix for accurately determining rare earth elements in UOC. A rapid separation method for rare earth elements in UOC by study of experimental conditions of Eichrom TRU resin, such as equilibrium solution acidity of column, adsorption acidity, leaching acidity and volume of rare earth elements is established. The content of uranium in eluent is lower than ng/kg, the recovery of REEs ranges from 88.3% to 104.0%, and the detection limit of REEs through ICP-MS analysis is from 0.001μg/kg to 0.190μg/kg after the separation of uranium and rare earth elements in UOC by TRU Resin. This method is used to determine the standard material GBW04205 for uranium ore, and the measured values are consistent with the standard values. Further analysis of four samples of UOC from different sources shows that the method can accurately determine the rare earth elements in UOC. The established distribution pattern of rare earth elements is effective for the geographical traceability of UOC nuclear forensics.
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