Citation: | WU Chao,SUN Binbin,CHENG Xiaomeng,et al. Cadmium Bioavailability Based on Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films Technique and Conventional Chemical Extraction in High Geological Background Soil Area of Northwestern Zhejiang Province, China[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis,2023,42(4):823−838. DOI: 10.15898/j.ykcs.202211230223 |
High geochemical background has a greater impact on soil Cd pollution than human activities and is more detrimental to the environment and human health on a regional level. Research shows that the bioavailability of Cd in soil is the key factor to determine its bioavailability and biotoxicity, so it is of great theoretical and practical significance to find an effective method to evaluate the bioavailability of Cd in soil for the safe use and risk control of contaminated agricultural land. Single extraction methods with relatively simple operation and relatively low cost and sequential extraction methods providing morphological distribution feature information, are the most common methods for evaluation of heavy metals bioavailability in soil. In general, the available amount of soil heavy metals obtained by chemical extraction methods can better reflect the level of plant absorption than the total amount. However, chemical extraction methods have some drawbacks, including differences between the extraction principle and crop absorption process, a lack of universality in the extracts, redistribution and re-adsorption during the extraction process, and most notably, the failure to take into account dynamic changes in heavy metal concentrations in the root environment. Diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT) technique is a new biomimetic
(1) The total content and fraction distribution characteristics of Cd in soil. The results show that the Cd average contents in paddy soil and dry soil in the study area are 1.07mg/kg and 0.73mg/kg, respectively, remarkably higher than the background values of soil in Zhejiang Province and China. The abnormal enrichment of Cd is mainly related to the widespread black shale in Northwest Zhejiang. For the sequential extraction procedures, the average content in paddy soil of water-soluble and exchangeable Cd, carbonate-bound Cd, humic acid-bound Cd, Fe-Mn oxide-bound Cd, strong organic-bound Cd and residual Cd are 54%, 5.9%, 9.3%, 13.5%, 4.2% and 13.2%, respectively. The average content in dry soil of water-soluble and exchangeable Cd, carbonate-bound Cd, humic acid-bound Cd, Fe-Mn oxide-bound Cd, strong organic-bound Cd and residual Cd are 47.2%, 4.6%, 11.5%, 14.3%, 5.5% and 16.9%, respectively. On the whole, the bioavailable component of Cd in the study area accounts for a relatively high proportion. (2) Characteristics of Cd content in crop. The content of Cd in rice seed in the study area ranges from 0.01mg/kg to 3.29mg/kg, with an average of 0.26mg/kg. The Cd content in bok choy ranges from 0.01mg/kg to 0.31mg/kg, with an average of 0.08mg/kg. In comparison to China’s contaminant limit of national food safety standards (GB2762—2017), the over-standard rates of Cd in rice and bok choy are 34% and 10%, respectively. The soil samples are further assessed according to
(1) Results of DGT technique. The available Cd (
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