Citation: | JIAO Xingchun,ZHANG Zhaohe,FANG Wei,et al. Index System and Evaluation Method of Geological Environment Suitability for Human Health[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis,2023,42(3):433−444. DOI: 10.15898/j.ykcs.202211090214 |
Human health is closely related to the geological environment. There’re various geological environment factors affecting human health in a composite way. Geological background characteristics, including tectonic structure, lithologic features, and landform configuration shape the living conditions of human being. Climate conditions and the spatial and temporal variation characteristics influence the comfortable level for habitation. More importantly, the direct and indirect impacts of elements and chemicals in rock, soil, water, and air and biosphere on human health are comprehensive and significant. In addition, various human activities have increasingly influenced geological substances and geological processes since the Industrial Revolution, which together with natural geological factors contribute to the unique public health characteristics of a region. (
(1) The evaluation index system. A comprehensive geological environmental health suitability evaluation index system was developed based on a composite perspective, taking into account multiple dimensions such as environmental geochemistry, regional geological background, climate conditions, and intensity of human activities. The rock strata, topography, climate conditions, as well as the geochemical quality of multiple media such as soil, water, and crops in a certain area, shape the specific lifestyle and behavioral habits of the regional population, resulting in unique regional health characteristics. (2) GHI evaluation method. The geological health index (GHI) evaluation method was established, which divides the health suitability of regional geological environments into five grades based on GHI scores: excellent (85 points or above), good (75-85), fair (60-75), poor (50-60), and very poor, representing the conditions of extremely suitable, suitable, moderately suitable, possibly suitable, and unsuitable for human health. (3) Case study. A case study was conducted in Anji and Longyou counties of Zhejiang Province using the GHI method. The overall GHI scores of the two regions indicated that the health suitability of the geological environment in Anji county was rated as “good” (78.16), while Longyou county was rated as “excellent” (85.50). The evaluation results reflected the health suitability of the regional geological environment, and could provide guidance for rational utilization of geological resources beneficial to health and avoidance of geological risks adverse to health.
(1) Principles for choosing indicators. The assessment index system was established following scientific principles, making sure the indicators are representative for general geological environment and closely related to human health. The influence of each indicator on health should be based on evidence, which can objectively reflect the difference of geological environment on population health. Furthermore, the indicators should be available in most settings and be simple to calculate. It is beneficial to have the current environmental industry or health industry standards as a reference. (2) Composition of the index system. The GHI index system included 15 specific indicators, which were listed in
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