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LIU Wei,HU Jundong,FAN Chenzi,et al. Chemical Forms and Distribution Characteristics of Phosphorus in the Sediments of the Anning Phosphate Mining Area, Yunan Province[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis,2024,43(1):177−188. DOI: 10.15898/j.ykcs.202209050164
Citation: LIU Wei,HU Jundong,FAN Chenzi,et al. Chemical Forms and Distribution Characteristics of Phosphorus in the Sediments of the Anning Phosphate Mining Area, Yunan Province[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis,2024,43(1):177−188. DOI: 10.15898/j.ykcs.202209050164

Chemical Forms and Distribution Characteristics of Phosphorus in the Sediments of the Anning Phosphate Mining Area, Yunan Province

More Information
  • Received Date: September 04, 2022
  • Revised Date: December 21, 2022
  • Accepted Date: April 05, 2023
  • Available Online: June 15, 2023
    (1) The content of total phosphorus (TP) in the sediments all exceeded the lowest level of ecotoxic effects in the study area. The TP content of 56.7% samples exceeded 2000mg/kg, reaching the serious level of ecotoxic effects.
    (2) On the basis of five chemical extractable forms of phosphorus, the reservoir sediments in the study area had relatively high bioavailable phosphorus (BAP) content and high bioavailability. Phosphorus mainly existed in the form of Ca-P in the river sediments and had low bioavailability.
    (3) The single factor pollution index method and bioavailable phosphorus pollution assessment method showed that phosphorus in the river sediments was heavily polluted in the study area, which should be of concern.

    The chemical forms and content of phosphorus in sediments are the important basis for exploring bioavailability, migration, and transformation of phosphorus in sediments accurately. To assess and evaluate phosphorous pollution from a phosphate mine, the phosphorus chemical forms in the sediment were determined by a suggested combined method and studied by the phosphorus classification method. The results show that the total phosphorus content all reached the lowest level of ecotoxic effect, and 56.7% of samples reached the serious level of ecotoxic effect. Therefore, it is suggested to strengthen the monitoring and assessment of river pollutants in phosphate mining areas. The BRIEF REPORT is available for this paper at http://www.ykcs.ac.cn/en/article/doi/10.15898/j.ykcs.202209050164.

    Significance: Phosphorus pollution is an important part of water pollution and has attracted extensive attention because of its eutrophication and water quality decline. The phosphorus form in lake and marine sediments has been extensively studied in recent years, but there are few studies about phosphorus form in river and reservoir sediments. The migration and transformation ability of different forms of phosphorus in the environment are diverse. The chemical forms and content of phosphorus in the sediments are the important basis for exploring bioavailability, migration and transformation of phosphorus in sediments accurately. It is of great significance to obtain phosphorus content and chemical forms in sediments for evaluating and controlling water pollution. The phosphorus pollution was serious in sediment samples from the Anning phosphate mine area, TP content all reached the lowest level of ecotoxic effect, and 56.7% of samples reached the serious level of ecotoxic effect. The distribution characteristics of phosphorus forms were basically the same. The main phosphorus forms were Ca-P and NaOH-P. The highest content of BAP was in sediment of the Shalong River, accounting for 54.3%. The results of single factor pollution index evaluation showed that phosphorus in sediments exhibited mainly severe pollution. Meanwhile the bioavailable phosphorus pollution assessment method showed that the degree of phosphorus pollution decreased, but phosphorus in the sediments of rivers was mainly severe. The phosphorus in the sediments of reservoirs was mainly light pollution. The phosphorus in the sediments at the intersection of the Mantic River and Dianchi Lake was clean. The ecological risk of phosphorus in sediments using bioavailable phosphorus pollution assessment method is more accurate than single factor pollution index method. The research shows that it is necessary to strengthen the monitoring and assessment of river pollutants in phosphate mining areas.
    Methods: The total content of phosphorus in sediments was determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The phosphorus chemical forms in the sediment were studied by the phosphorus classification method improved by Hupfer. The chemical forms in phosphorus sediment were divided into weakly adsorbed phosphorus (NH4Cl-P), reducible phosphorus (BD-P), metal oxide-bound phosphorus (NaOH-P), calcium-bound phosphorus (Ca-P) and residual phosphorus (Res-P). The content of phosphorus in the extract was determined by molybdenum-antimony anti colorimetric method. The ecological risk of phosphorus pollution in the study area was evaluated by the single factor pollution index method and biological available phosphorus pollution assessment method.
    Data and Results: The content of total phosphorus (TP) in sediment samples ranged from 567.6 to 48115.5mg/kg, and the average value was 6224.1mg/kg. The TP content in 8 sediment samples collected from the Mingyi River and Bajie River ranged from 567.6 to 15631mg/kg, with an average of 6014.4mg/kg. The TP content in 4 sediment samples collected from the Shalong River ranged from 698.6 to 4191.6mg/kg, with an average of 2128.5mg/kg. The TP content in 10 sediment samples collected from the Mantis River ranged from 2095.8 to 48115.5mg/kg, with an average of 10889.3mg/kg. The TP content in 7 sediment samples collected from the reservoirs ranged from 654.9 to 5239.4mg/kg, with an average of 1740.2mg/kg. Overall, the average TP content in the sediments of the reservoir was the lowest, and the average TP content in the sediment samples of the three rivers was in the order of Mantis River>Mingyi River and Bajie River>Shalong River. The main phosphorus forms were NaOH-P and Ca-P in 30 sediment samples. The content of NH4Cl-P ranged from 0.07 to 115.2mg/kg, BD-P ranged from 8.84 to 802.5mg/kg, NaOH-P ranged from 21.3 to 3129.5mg/kg, Ca-P ranged from 12 to 45098mg/kg and Res-P ranged from 28.5 to 45790.8mg/kg. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to investigate the correlation among phosphorus forms, TP and bioavailable phosphorus (BAP) in sediments. The coefficient between TP and Ca-P was the largest, reaching the significance level (p<0.01). The correlation coefficient between TP and NaOH was the smallest. BAP was correlated with NH4Cl-P, BD-P, NaOH-P and Res-P (p<0.01) positively, and the correlation coefficient with BD-P and NaOH-P was greater than 0.8. The phosphorus single factor pollution index of 30 sediment samples ranged from 0.82 to 69.7. The pollution degree was between mild and severe pollution. The phosphorus single factor pollution index of 8 sediment samples collected from the Mingyi River and Bajie River ranged from 1.01 to 6.07, and the pollution degree was between middle and severe pollution. The phosphorus single factor pollution index of 10 sediment samples collected from the Mantis River ranged from 3.04 to 69.7, and the pollution degree was all severe pollution. The phosphorus single factor pollution index of 7 sediment samples collected from the reservoir ranged from 0.95 to 7.59, and the pollution degree was between mild to severe pollution. The bioavailable phosphorus pollution assessment index of 30 sediment samples ranged from 0.26 to 5.87, and the pollution degree was between clean and severe pollution.
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