Citation: | DONG Qiuyao,SONG Chao,WEN Haotian,et al. Comprehensive Geochemical Evaluation and Influencing Factors of Topsoil Nutrients in a Farming Area of Dabie Mountain in Western Anhui, China[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis,2024,43(2):344−355. DOI: 10.15898/j.ykcs.202206180117 |
Western Anhui is an important precision agricultural area in China, characterized by diverse landforms and multiple soil types. To determine the spatial distribution of soil nutrient elements and their controlling factors, we analyzed 5 nutrient indicators by collecting 1295 groups of shallow soil (0-20cm) samples and conducted a comprehensive soil nutrient geochemical grade evaluation on the basis of single indicator analysis. The results show that soil nutrients are poor in the cultivated lands of the northern region. The use of fertilizer should be adjusted as needed to balance the soil nutrients in some areas, and the management of farmland nutrients is suggested for improving the agricultural yield. The BRIEF REPORT is available for this paper at
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