Citation: | LIU Jie, ZHAO Zhiming, YAN Ronghui, HUANG Zijian. Preparation of Reference Materials for Rock Evaluation of Mudstone[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2023, 42(1): 203-212. DOI: 10.15898/j.cnki.11-2131/td.202201120008 |
As an oil and gas geochemical detection and analysis technology, rock pyrolysis is widely used in oil and gas exploration. Moreover, this technology is fast, economical, and effective in evaluating the hydrocarbon-generating potential of source rocks and identifying the oiliness of reservoir rocks. Rock pyrolysis standard materials are used for the calibration and quality monitoring of rock pyrolysis instruments, as well as being the key material basis for quantitative calculation of rock pyrolysis analysis parameters for source and reservoir rocks. At present, rock pyrolysis standard materials are relatively scarce, and most of the
To develop five kinds of reference materials for rock pyrolysis, with a certain gradient value of each parameter, which can satisfy the needs of conventional oil and gas testing in petroleum exploration.
Candidate samples were collected from dark mudstone, oil shale and carbonaceous mudstone in the Triassic Yanchang Formation, Permian Shanxi Formation, Taiyuan Formation and Carboniferous Benxi Formation in the Ordos Basin. After impurity treatment, jaw crushing, ball mill fine grinding, powder sieving 200 mesh, mixer mixing, 60Co irradiation disinfection and sterilization, and passing the preliminary homogeneity test, the samples were packed and numbered.
For each candidate, 5×30 bottles of samples were randomly selected for uniformity testing, and the measured values of
In accordance with the national standard material research standards and specifications, five reference materials for rock pyrolysis, GBW(E)070323, GBW(E)070324, GBW(E)070325, GBW(E)070326 and GBW(E)070327, were successfully developed. The value of each parameter presents a certain gradient, which basically covers the content range of conventional pyrolysis analysis.
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