Citation: | YANG Lin, SHI Zhen, YU Huimin, HUANG Fang. Determination of Silicon Isotopic Compositions of Rock and Soil Reference Materials by MC-ICP-MS[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2023, 42(1): 136-145. DOI: 10.15898/j.cnki.11-2131/td.202112060195 |
With the analytical technique development, the precision of Si isotopes analysis increases rapidly.Silicon isotopes are widely used in geochemistry, cosmochemistry, environmental chemistry and so on, and can be used to trace the circulation of crust-mantle material, the source of subducting fluid, and constrain the origin and evolution of the moon and extraterrestrial materials.To compare the precision and accuracy of Si isotope analysis results in different laboratories, it is necessary to analyze Si isotopes of reference materials with published Si isotope data.As generally used USGS reference materials are currently unavailable, it is important to report Si isotopes of new reference materials.
In order to continuously conduct research in various fields with high-precision silicon isotope data, by providing a supply of new reference materials.Silicon isotopes of 30 GBW reference materials with different compositions, including 11 igneous rocks, 2 sedimentary rocks, 2 metamorphic rocks, 6 river/marine sediments and 9 soils, were analyzed.The SiO2 content of these reference materials ranged from 32.69% to 90.36%, covering the variation range of most natural samples.
Alkali fusion method was used for sample digestion.Approximately 3-5mg of sample powder and 200mg of powdery NaOH were weighed in a 10mL silver crucible and heated.The Si purification was obtained using cation exchange resin AG50W-X12.6mol/L HNO3 and ultrapure water were used to clean the resin before sample loading.Silicon isotopes were measured by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS, Neptune Plus) at the laboratory in the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), and the instrument mass bias was corrected by standard-sample-standard method, with a bracketing standard of NBS-28.The long-term reproducibility (over two years) of Si isotope analysis of one in-house standard (USTC-Si) and one international rock reference material (BHVO-2) were represented, with the
Except one sediment and two soil samples, the
The high-precision Si isotope data of 30 GBW reference materials helps replenish the database for Si isotope analysis.The Si isotope data of these standard materials show that the river sediment GBW07310 has a very high
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