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LIU Siwen, HUANG Yuanying, ZHAO Wenbo, WEI Jixin, XU Chunli, MA Jiabao, LIU Jiuchen, HUANG Caiwen. Water Quality and Health Risk Assessment of an Ion-adsorption Type REE Mining Area of the Huangpi River Basin, Northern Ganzhou of China[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2022, 41(3): 488-498. DOI: 10.15898/j.cnki.11-2131/td.202111080170
Citation: LIU Siwen, HUANG Yuanying, ZHAO Wenbo, WEI Jixin, XU Chunli, MA Jiabao, LIU Jiuchen, HUANG Caiwen. Water Quality and Health Risk Assessment of an Ion-adsorption Type REE Mining Area of the Huangpi River Basin, Northern Ganzhou of China[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2022, 41(3): 488-498. DOI: 10.15898/j.cnki.11-2131/td.202111080170

Water Quality and Health Risk Assessment of an Ion-adsorption Type REE Mining Area of the Huangpi River Basin, Northern Ganzhou of China

More Information
  • Received Date: November 07, 2021
  • Revised Date: January 09, 2022
  • Accepted Date: January 23, 2022
  • Available Online: July 28, 2022
    (1) Health risk assessment and water quality evaluation in an ion-adsorption type REE mining area of the Huangpi River Basin (southeast of China) were investigated systematically.
    (2) Combined with WQI and ADD models, 9 indices such as Mn and Pb were evaluated comprehensively. Anomaly index NH3-N had no harmful effects on human health additively.
    (3) The HQ average values of Mn were more than 1 in groundwater, which may be harmful to human health. As a result of this finding, monitoring of Mn in water systems in mining areas should be carried out routinely.

    Water quality security and human health are important to ensure rural revitalization of old liberated areas. The continuous development and utilization of ion-adsorption type REE deposits in northern Ganzhou aggravate trace elements from ores and tailings to the water cycle, thereby endangering the sanitation and safety of drinking water.


    To investigate and evaluate health risk and water quality on the watershed scale of rare earth ore concentration area in the Huangpi River Basin.


    The contents of manganese, cadmium and other elements were determined by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry/mass spectrometry(ICP-OES/MS). By choosing "standards for drinking water quality" (GB 5749—2006) as the evaluation basis, the water quality index (WQI), hazard quotient (HQ), and cancer risk (CR)were adopted to evaluate water quality and human health risks through analyzing 9 indices including Pb and Mn.


    NH3-N and Mn were anomaly indices whether in surface water or groundwater. The average values of NH3-N were 750μg/L and 4533μg/L in surface water and groundwater, respectively. Index values of Mn were 207μg/L and 4009μg/L in surface water and groundwater, respectively. Arsenic, class I carcinogen published by the World Health Organization, had no abnormality in surface water and groundwater. Moreover, 85.7% of surface water and groundwater was found to be suitable for drinking upon analyzing the WQI values. The HQ average value of NH3-N was less than 1 in surface water and groundwater so it had no harmful effects on human health. However, the HQ average value of Mn was more than 1, which may be harmful to human health. CR values of As varying from 10-6 to 10-4 were also calculated, and the risk of cancer was acceptable.


    It is suggested that relevant departments should pay attention to the status of NH3-N and heavy metal elements in water during the reclamation evaluation of rare earth mines. The research detailed in this paper confirms that the groundwater monitoring system of manganese should be improved.

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