Citation: | LIU Bing-quan, SHA Min, XIE Chang-yu, ZHOU Qiang-qiang, WEI Xing-xing, ZHOU Fan. Geochemical Characteristics of Soil Selenium and Influencing Factors of Selenium Bioavailability in Rice Root Soils in Qingxi Area, Ganxian County, Jiangxi Province[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2021, 40(5): 740-750. DOI: 10.15898/j.cnki.11-2131/td.202107230082 |
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次仁旺堆,多吉卫色,索朗次仁,尼玛次仁,边巴次仁,平措朗杰. 西藏山南市乃东区土壤硒分布特征及影响因素. 岩矿测试. 2022(03): 427-436 .
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