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ZHANG Yan,ZHAO Xinlei,FENG Xuezhen,et al. Distribution Characteristics, Ecological Risks, and Source Identification of Heavy Metals in Cultivated Land in Xingyang City[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis,2024,43(2):330−343. DOI: 10.15898/j.ykcs.202306300084
Citation: ZHANG Yan,ZHAO Xinlei,FENG Xuezhen,et al. Distribution Characteristics, Ecological Risks, and Source Identification of Heavy Metals in Cultivated Land in Xingyang City[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis,2024,43(2):330−343. DOI: 10.15898/j.ykcs.202306300084

Distribution Characteristics, Ecological Risks, and Source Identification of Heavy Metals in Cultivated Land in Xingyang City

More Information
  • Received Date: June 29, 2023
  • Revised Date: January 13, 2024
  • Accepted Date: January 31, 2024
  • Available Online: April 28, 2024
    (1) All heavy metal elements except Cr exhibit an enrichment trend in surface soil.
    (2) The predominant status for each heavy metal element in the study area is uncontaminated. However, the Cd element has 3 points with heavy contamination and 1 point with extremely heavy contamination, making it a primary potential pollutant.
    (3) The variance contribution rates of industrial sources, natural sources, as well as agricultural fertilizer and coal burning sources are 44.45%, 21.93% and 11.34%, respectively, which are the three main sources of heavy metals in the study area.

    The quality of arable land is closely related to people’s livelihoods, and heavy metals are one of the significant factors affecting arable land quality. The spatial distribution characteristics and sources of eight heavy metal pollutants in the cultivated land of Xingyang City were investigated by multivariate statistical analysis and absolute principal component score-multiple linear regression (APCS-MLR) receptor model, and soil pollution assessment was carried out by enrichment factor and land accumulation index. The results show that the heavy metal content in cultivated soil was higher as a whole, and the accumulation effect of Cd was more obvious. The heavy metals in the study area were mainly distributed around Xingyang City. Industrial, natural, and the mixed sources of agricultural fertilizer and coal-burning are the main sources of heavy metals. The accumulative index shows that the heavy metals in the study area are mainly unpolluted, and the Cd exceeding standard rate is the highest. Therefore, it indicates that human activities have affected the cultivated land in the study area, and measures should be taken to avoid further aggravation. The BRIEF REPORT is available for this paper at http://www.ykcs.ac.cn/en/article/doi/10.15898/j.ykcs.202306300084.

    Significance: Arable soil serves as a crucial medium for agricultural production, with its quality directly impacting people’s livelihoods. Heavy metals represent the primary pollutants that adversely affect the environmental quality of arable land. Characteristics such as non-degradability, strong persistence, and accumulation make soil heavy metals a significant threat, as they can be absorbed by crops and subsequently enter the human body through the food chain, posing risks to human health[1]. The sources of soil heavy metals are complex, encompassing both natural and anthropogenic origins[9]. Analyzing the origins of pollution sources is a crucial prerequisite for the assessment, prevention, and control of soil heavy metal pollution[10]. This has practical significance in implementing the national strategies of “scientific pollution control” and “precision pollution control”. Henan Province is the main wheat producing area in China, with both its planting area and wheat yield ranking at the top nationally, so local agricultural products and eco-environmental security have been widely concerned. In the research, the distribution characteristics and pollution status of heavy metals in farmland soil in Henan province was clarified, and the relative contribution rate of various pollution sources to the accumulation of elements was calculated. It is of great significance to the assessment of agricultural ecological environment and the safety of food and residents.
    Methods: The current study was conducted throughout the entire Xingyang City, with a working area covering 365.78km. Surface soil samples were collected at a depth of 0-20cm, and a total of 2113 samples were analyzed. Surface soil samples (0-20cm) were collected, and eight heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn) and pH were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS), and ion-selective electrode method (IES). Multiple statistical analyses, spatial distribution mapping, and methods such as enrichment factor (EF) and geo-accumulation index (Igeo) were employed to analyze the degree of soil pollution. We also utilized principal component analysis (PCA), an absolute principal component score-multiple linear regression (APCS-MLR) receptor models, and other methods, to quantify the contribution rates of various influencing factors, thus identifying the main pollution sources in the research area.
    Data and Results: (1) Overall distribution characteristics. The average concentrations of eight heavy metal elements (Table 2) were as follows: As (10.61mg/kg), Cd (0.21mg/kg), Cr (61.21mg/kg), Cu (20.74mg/kg), Hg (0.04mg/kg), N (26.15mg/kg), Pb (23.70mg/kg), and Zn (65.70mg/kg). In comparison with the soil background values of Zhengzhou City, the overall heavy metal concentrations in the study area were relatively high, with ratio ranges from 1.04 to 1.40. Notably, the concentration of Cr was lower, at only 0.89 times the background value of Zhengzhou City. These results indicate a degree of accumulation of some heavy metals in the arable land of Xingyang City.
      Coefficient of variation (CV) reflects the degree of spatial variability of heavy metals. The larger the CV value, the more uneven the distribution of heavy metals[21] . The order of CV of 8 heavy metal elements in the study area is: Cr<Ni<As<Cu<Zn<Pb<Hg<Cd. Cd and Hg were highly variable (CV≥0.36), with CV of 0.89 and 0.71, respectively. Cu, Pb and Zn were moderately variable (0.16≤CV<0.36), while As, Cr and Ni were low variable (CV<0.16), the CV of Cr was only 0.096, which indicates that the spatial distribution of Cr is uniform and less affected by humans. Compared with the soil pollution risk control standard of agricultural land, the average content of 8 heavy metal elements in the study area was lower than the risk screening value, but the values of Cd, Pb and Zn were still higher than the risk screening value. The order of the number of samples exceeding the risk screening value was as follows: Cd (13 samples)>Zn (3 samples)>Pb (1 sample), showing that there was a certain risk of Cd pollution in cultivated soil in the study area.
      (2) Spatial distribution characteristics. Among the eight soil heavy metals, Cd, Hg, Pb, and Zn exhibited a similar distribution pattern, forming a high-value zone in the central part of the study area, particularly around the periphery of Xingyang City. The high-value zone for Ni was exclusively in the northern part of the research area. Cr and Ni were primarily influenced by parent material, thus showing less disturbance by human activities. Sporadic high-value zones for As and Cu were scattered in the northern part of the research area and around Xingyang City.
      (3) Pollution assessment. The Enrichment Factors (EF) were ranked from highest to lowest as follows (Fig.3): EFCd (1.86)>EFZn (1.57)>EFAs (1.53)>EFCu (1.46)>EFNi (1.44)=EFPb (1.44)>EFHg (1.40)>EFCr (1.21). This indicates that Cu, Ni, Pb, Hg, and Cr were primarily influenced by natural soil process. Cd, As, and Zn showed enrichment, especially with Cd being significantly impacted by anthropogenic disturbances.
      The Geo-accumulation Index reveals that the number of non-contaminated sample points for As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, and Zn were 2059, 1556, 2112, 2057, 1841, 2090, 2079, and 2000, respectively (Table 3). The majority of heavy metal samples in the study area were non-contaminated, with Cd exhibiting the highest pollution level and the presence of extremely contaminated sample points, making it a primary potential pollutant in the research area.
      (4) Source analysis. Through Pearson correlation analysis, it is evident that there were highly significant positive correlations (P<0.01) between As-Ni, As-Cu, Cd-Pb, Cd-Zn, Cu-Ni, Cu-Zn, and Pb-Zn, with Cd-Pb and Cd-Zn reaching as high as 0.89 and 0.82, respectively (Fig.4). After Kaiser normalization and Varimax orthogonal rotation of the factors, three principal components with eigenvalue greater than 0.9 were identified, measuring 3.556, 1.755, and 0.907, respectively. The variance contribution rates were 44.45%, 21.93%, and 11.34%, resulting in a cumulative contribution rate of 77.72%. The results of both correlation and principal component analyses indicate that heavy metals in the study area can be categorized into three groups: F1 (Zn, Pb, Cd, Cu); F2 (Ni, As, Cr); F3 (Hg). F1 is mainly affected by industrial production activities; F2 is mainly affected by weathering of parent rock and F3 can be classified as “remote atmospheric transport”.
      The results of the APCS-MLR receptor model indicate that Cd constitutes a relatively high proportion, with a contribution rate of 78% (Fig.5). Previous studies suggested that external sources of Cd primarily include industrial emissions and fossil fuel combustion[29], automobile exhaust and traffic dust[30], as well as pesticides and fertilizers[31-32]. The high-value areas of Cd in the study area overlap with the distribution of industrial enterprises, thus identifying F1 as an industrial source. The deposition of atmospheric Hg, through both dry and wet processes, is considered one of the major contributors to excessive soil Hg content[35]. In the study area, winter heating and cooking predominantly rely on coal combustion, with high-value points of Hg spatially scattered, especially around urban areas. Therefore, other sources can be identified as a mixed source of agricultural fertilizers and coal combustion. Cr, Cu, and Ni are significantly influenced by geochemical factors, mainly originating from geological and natural sources[36-37]. Thus, F2 is considered to represent natural sources. Cr is greatly influenced by geochemical genesis, mainly from geological natural sources[38]. The spatial variability of Cr elements in the study area is small and the enrichment coefficient is mainly distributed between 0.5 and 1.5, indicating that they basically maintain the original background state in the surface soil, mainly controlled by the biogeochemistry of soil environment and soil-forming parent materials, and are little or basically unaffected by human activities[39].
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