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FENG Boxin,MEN Qianni,GAN Liming,et al. Determination of Soil Fluorine Speciation and Main Factors Affecting Tea Fluorine Content in Tea Gardens of Daba Mountain[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis,2024,43(1):166−176. DOI: 10.15898/j.ykcs.202307070089
Citation: FENG Boxin,MEN Qianni,GAN Liming,et al. Determination of Soil Fluorine Speciation and Main Factors Affecting Tea Fluorine Content in Tea Gardens of Daba Mountain[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis,2024,43(1):166−176. DOI: 10.15898/j.ykcs.202307070089

Determination of Soil Fluorine Speciation and Main Factors Affecting Tea Fluorine Content in Tea Gardens of Daba Mountain

More Information
  • Received Date: July 06, 2023
  • Revised Date: December 30, 2023
  • Accepted Date: January 19, 2024
  • Available Online: March 14, 2024
    (1)The content of soil fluorine and tea fluorine and the distribution characteristics of soil fluorine speciation in the Ziyang area were identified, and the risk of fluorosis was explored.
    (2) The main factors affecting tea fluorine in the Ziyang area were identified, including water-soluble fluorine and soil physicochemical properties.
    (3) A prediction model that affects tea fluorine was constructed and validated, which can provide a basis for the development of local green agriculture.

    In recent years, the relationship between fluorine intake through tea drinking and human health has received significant attention. To investigate the effect of soil properties on tea fluorine, 64 sets of tea garden soil-tea samples were collected in Ziyang County, Daba Mountain area, and a Freundlich model that affects the fluorine content of tea was established. The results show that: (1) The fluorine content in the surface soil of tea gardens ranges from 487.37 to 1120.78mg/kg, with an average value of 730.63mg/kg; The fluorine content of tea is 31.23-112.49mg/kg, with an average value of 57.58mg/kg. All samples do not exceed the limit of agricultural standards (NY659—2003); (2) The distribution of fluorine speciation in the soil is as follows: residual state>water-soluble state>organic state>iron manganese bound state>exchangeable state; (3) A multiple regression equation affecting the fluorine content in tea was constructed using five factors: water-soluble fluorine, CEC, exchangeable aluminum, organic matter, and pH as variables. The model can explain 86.0% of the variation, and the prediction accuracy of the model reached 88.0% through validation. This study can provide theoretical basis for the development of green agriculture. The BRIEF REPORT is available for this paper at http://www.ykcs.ac.cn/en/article/doi/10.15898/j.ykcs.202307070089.

    Significance: Tea trees are plants with high fluorine enrichment, and their enrichment ability is dozens or even hundreds of times that of other plants. The fluorine content in each kilogram of dry tea can reach several thousand milligrams. Drinking tea is an important pathway for human intake of fluorine, and moderate intake of fluorine has a promoting effect on body growth. In recent years, the relationship between fluorine intake through tea drinking and human health has received significant attention. Tea drinking-induced fluorosis is a unique type of fluorosis in China and a serious public health problem in western China. In the absence of air pollution, the fluorine in tea mainly comes from the soil. The absorption and transportation of fluorine by tea tree roots are influenced by soil pH, the presence of fluorine speciation, and other elements (such as Al3+, Ca2+, Cl, etc.)[8]. Soil properties have a significant impact on soil fluorine speciation. Currently, it is believed that soil pH, organic matter, soil clay, exchangeable ions, and other factors have a significant impact on water-soluble fluorine, but their degree of influence is related to the research area. This study constructed a model for predicting tea fluorine based on soil physicochemical properties and soil fluorine speciation data, which reached a reliable level. It can provide theoretical basis for ecological risk assessment of tea fluorine in Ziyang and similar areas and guide the development of green agriculture.
    Methods: The tea garden soil in Ziyang County, Daba Mountain area was used as the research area. 64 sets of tea garden soil-tea samples were collected, and the physical and chemical properties of the soil, soil fluorine, soil fluorine speciation, and tea fluorine content were measured. Through multiple regression analysis, a Freundlich model affecting the fluorine content of tea in Daba Mountain area was established, and the prediction accuracy of the model was tested.
    Data and Results: The results show that: (1) The variation range of fluorine in the surface soil of tea gardens in the study area is 487.37-112.78mg/kg, with an average value of 730.63mg/kg; The fluorine content in tea leaves in the study area is 31.23-112.49mg/kg, with an average content of 57.58mg/kg (Table 3). All samples do not exceed the limit of agricultural standards (NY659-2003); (2) The distribution of fluorine speciation in tea garden soil in the study area is as follows: residual F>water-soluble F>F bound to organic matter>F bound to Mn and Fe oxides>exchangeable F. The range of water-soluble fluorine content is 5.27-23.15mg/kg, with an average of 9.72mg/kg, which is much higher than the average water-soluble fluorine content of 2.5mg/kg in China’s endemic fluorosis areas, indicating the risk of endemic fluorosis in the study area. There is a significant correlation between soil water-soluble fluorine and tea fluorine content (n=64, r=0.82, p<0.01) (Table 6), while other forms have no significant correlation with tea fluorine content; (3) Using water-soluble fluorine, CEC, exchangeable aluminum, organic matter, and pH as variables, a multiple regression equation was constructed to predict the fluorine content in tea. The Freundlich model was used to predict the fluorine content in tea, which can explain 86.0% of the variation. The prediction accuracy of the model reached 88.0% through verification, and overall, the prediction effect was good.
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