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  • Chinese Scientific and Technical Paper and Citation Database (CSTPCD)

Rockforming and Oreforming Ages of the Yaogangxian Tungsten Deposit of Hunan Province
WANG Denghong, LI Huaqin, QIN Yan, MEI Yuping, CHEN Zhenghui, QU Wenjun, WANG Yanbin, CAI Hong, GONG Shuqing, HE Xiaoping
2009, 28(3): 201-208.
Abstract PDF
Re-Os Isotopic Dating of Molybdenite from the Maoping Tungsten-Tin Deposit in Chongyi County of Southern Jiangxi Province andIts Geological Significance
ZENG Zailin, ZHANG Yongzhong, ZHU Xiangpei, CHEN Zhenghui, WANG Chenghui, QU Wenjun
2009, 28(3): 209-214.
Abstract PDF
Re-Os Isotopic Dating of Molybdenite from the Yulong Porphyry Copper-Molybdenum Deposit in Tibet and Its Metallogenic Significance
TANG Juxing, WANG Chenghui, QU Wenjun, DU Andao, YING Lijuan, GAO Yiming
2009, 28(3): 215-218.
Abstract PDF
High-precise Determination of Osmium Isotopic Ratio in the Jinchuan Copper-Nickel Sulfide Ore Samples
QU Wenjun, DU Andao, LI Chao, SUN Wenjing
2009, 28(3): 219-222.
Abstract PDF
Re-Os Isotopic Dating of Molybdenite from the Suolajier Skarn-type Copper-Molybdenum Deposit of Qimantage Mountain in Qinghai Province and Its Geological Significance
FENG Chengyou, LI Dong sheng, QU Wen jun, DU Andao, WANG Song, SU Shengshun, JIANG Junhua
2009, 28(3): 223-227.
Abstract PDF
Geochronologic Study on the Jinzhuping Molybdenum-polymetallic Deposit from Shangrao of Jiangxi Province
ZHANG Jiajing, WU Musen, CHEN Zhenghui, LIU Shanbao, LI Lixing, QIU Liangming, WU Bin, HUANG Anjie, ZHU Pingjun
2009, 28(3): 228-232.
Abstract PDF
Comprehensive Study on Extraction of Rhenium with Acetone in Re-Os Isotopic Dating
LI Chao, QU Wenjun, DU Andao, SUN Wenjing
2009, 28(3): 233-238.
Abstract PDF
Geological Characteristics and Mineralization Age of the QingshilingTungsten-polymetallic Deposit in East Hunan
WU Shichong, LONG Weiping, CHEN Zhenghui, QU Wenjun
2009, 28(3): 239-243.
Abstract PDF
Geological Characteristics and Mineralization Age of the Longwangpai Molybdenum-polymetallic Deposit in East Hunan
XU Huihuang, XIONG Zhengrong, WU Shichong, CHEN Zhenghui, QU Wenjun
2009, 28(3): 244-248.
Abstract PDF
The Re-Os Isotopic Dating of Molybdenite from the Wulandele Molybdenum-Copper Polymetallic Deposit in Sonid Zuoqi of Inner Mongolia and Its Geological Significance
TAO Jixiong, WANG Tao, CHEN Zhenghui, LUO Zhongze, XU Liquan, HAO Xianyi, CUI Laiwang
2009, 28(3): 249-253.
Abstract PDF
Re-Os Isotopic Dating of Molybdenite from the Shankou Molybdenum Deposit in Yongding County of Fujian Province and Its Geological Significance
LUO Jinchang, CHEN Zhenghui, QU Wenjun
2009, 28(3): 254-258.
Abstract PDF
Re-Os Isotopic Dating of Molybdenite from the Langyashan Copper Deposit in Chuzhou of Anhui Province and Its Geological Significance
QIN Yan, MEI Yuping, WANG Denghong, ZHANG Jian, WU Libin
2009, 28(3): 259-264.
Abstract PDF
Re-Os Isotopic Dating of Molybdenite in Skarn from the Jiama Copper-Polymetallic Deposit of Tibet and Its Metallogenic Significance
YING Lijuan, TANG Juxing, WANG Denghong, CHANG Zhesheng, QU Wenjun, ZHENG Wenbao
2009, 28(3): 265-268.
Abstract PDF
Re-Os Isotopic Dating of Molybdenite from the Daheishan Molybdenum Deposit of Jilin Province and Its Geological Significance
WANG Chenghui, SONG Quanheng, WANG Denghong, LI Lixing, YU Cheng, WANG Zhigang, QU Wenjun, DU Andao, YING Lijuan
2009, 28(3): 269-273.
Abstract PDF
Geochemical Characteristics of Granites from the Jiangjunzhai Tungsten Deposit of Southeast Hunan Province and Its Re-Os Isotopic Dating
WANG Yonglei, PEI Rongfu, LI Jinwen, WANG Haolin, LIU Xifeng
2009, 28(3): 274-278.
Abstract PDF
The Re-Os Isotopic Dating of Molybdenite from the Dasuji Molybdenum Deposit in Zhuozi County of Inner Mongolia and Its Geological Significance
ZHANG Tong, CHEN Zhiyong, XU Liquan, CHEN Zhenghui
2009, 28(3): 279-282.
Abstract PDF
Re-Os Isotopic Dating of Molybdenite from the Fu′anpu Molybdenum Deposit of Jilin Province and Discussion on Its Metallogenesis
LI Lixing, SONG Quanheng, WANG Denghong, WANG Chenghui, QU Wenjun, WANG Zhigang, BI Shouye, YU Cheng
2009, 28(3): 283-287.
Abstract PDF
A Review on the Development of Re-Os Isotopic Dating Methods and Techniques
DU Andao, QU Wenjun, LI Chao, YANG Gang
2009, 28(3): 288-304.
Abstract PDF
Application Note HRCS AAS—Graphite Tube Technique Determination of As in Sediment
2009, 28(3): 305-305.
Abstract PDF
Determination of As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, V and Zn in Fine
2009, 28(3): 306-306.
Abstract PDF
Dust Deposits on Cellulose Acetate Filter
2009, 28(3): 307-309.
Abstract PDF