• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
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Spatial Distribution of PBDEs in Topsoils from Electronic Waste Dismantling Sites and the Surrounding Areas in Guiyu, Guangdong Province

  • 摘要: 自2005年以来对电子垃圾拆解地广东贵屿地区多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)污染状况的研究主要集中在垃圾场源区,已不能代表PBDEs对其周边大范围地区的污染现状。为了评价贵屿镇及周边大范围不同土地利用类型的PBDEs污染情况,本文采用网格采样、索氏抽提、复合硅胶/氧化铝层析柱分离纯化、气相色谱-质谱联用技术分析了贵屿拆解场地及其周边72 km2地区表层土壤中8种PBDEs的含量及分布特征。结果显示,与2005年文献数据对比,贵屿镇水库周边土壤的PBDEs污染并无缓解趋势且仍在持续,水稻田土壤中污染有所降低;所有化合物中以十溴联苯醚(BDE 209)占主导,主要分布在贵屿镇及附近的电子垃圾拆解区,含量范围为0.4~720.9 ng/g(干重),是除BDE 209之外的7种化合物总量(变幅为nd~83 ng/g) 的10倍以上。PBDEs各化合物的地理分布情况受拆解地区和化合物蒸气压、水溶性等物化性质的影响而显示出显著的差异性:分子量较大的化合物分布在贵屿镇及紧邻村落电子废弃物拆解的主要源区;分子量居中的化合物的分布与特定地点有关;分子量较小的化合物以贵屿镇为中心向四周均匀扩散;且PBDEs从污染源向清洁地区扩散的途中发生了化合物分馏现象。


    Abstract: Since 2005, research on contamination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) at Guiyu, the largest electronic waste disposal and recycling area in Guangdong Province of South China, have mainly focused on the dismantling sites, hardly representing the pollution status of PBDEs in surrounding areas on a large scale. In order to investigate the PBDE contamination status in different types of lands from Guiyu and surrounding areas, in this paper topsoil samples were collected in a gridded area of 72 square kilometers covering Guiyu and the surrounding area were analyzed for the geographical distribution patterns of eight PBDEs congeners by using soxhlet extraction, complex silica gel-alumina chromatographic column and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. The results show that PBDE contamination in soils of the studied areas has not been improved in comparison with the published data in 2005. The PBDE contamination in rice field was reduced. PBDE 209 is the dominant congener (dry weight: 0.4-720.9 ng/g). The concentration of PBDE 209 was ten times higher than non-209 PBDE congeners which were at levels of nd-83 ng/g (dry weight). PBDE 209 was distributed mainly around Guiyu downtown dismantling sites and the nearby area. The differences in geophysical distribution patterns of PBDE congeners were related with the distribution of the dismantling sites and the molecular weight of the compounds. The congeners with similar molecular weight showed close geographical distributions, suggesting the influences from the physico-chemical properties such as vapor pressure and water solubility. PBDEs with larger molecular weight were distributed mainly around the Guiyu downtown and nearby villages' dismantling sites. The distribution of congeners with medium molecular weight was related with to particular sites. The low molecular weight congeners displayed a diffusion pattern starting from Guiyu downtown. The composition of PBDE compounds showed that fractionation may have occurred during the diffusion process from the source sites to clean areas. It was found that PBDE 209 is the dominant congener and its distribution patterns and compound composition are discussed.


