Development of X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry in the 30 Years
摘要: X射线荧光光谱分析在20世纪80年代初已是一种成熟的分析方法,是实验室、现场分析主、次量和痕量元素的首选方法之一,在无损分析和原位分析中具有不可替代的地位。文章评述了三十年来X射线荧光光谱分析的进展历程、波长色散X射线荧光光谱仪(WDXRF)、能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪(EDXRF)和现场与原位分析用X射线荧光光谱仪发展过程及显示的特色。介绍了在X射线的全反射和偏振性质基础上相继推出的偏振、微束、全反射等全新的X射线荧光光谱仪及其在众多领域的应用。回顾了基体校正发展历程和以Sherman方程为基础的基本参数法和理论影系数法在定量分析中的应用,并对学术界有关基体校正的物理意义的争论、Sherman方程的局限性以及如何提高基本参数法在常规定量分析和半定量分析结果的准确度的途径进行了探讨。总结了化学计量学与数据处理方法在XRF中的应用研究及进展,指出人工神经网络方法与基本参数法相结合的算法,对于改善基体校正的准确度和稳定性开创了一条新的途径。Abstract: X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF) was a well proven technology established in the early 1980s, and was the preferred method for major, minor and trace elements analysis in the lab and field and suitable for non-destructive analysis and in situ analysis. In this paper, the development of XRF, Wavelength Dispersion XRF (WDXRF), Energy Dispersion XRF (EDXRF), and X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy for on-site and in-situ analysis and their characteristics for the last 30 years are reviewed. The application field and basis on total reflection and polarization properties for XRF, such as polarization EDXRF, microbeam XRF and total reflection XRF are also discussed. The development history of matrix correction and the quantitative analytical application of the basic parametric method of the Sherman equation reviewed. The debates about the physical meaning of the matrix correction in the research community and the limitation of the Sherman equation are discussed in detail. The basic parametric method is discussed as to how to improve the accuracy of results obtained by routine quantitative analysis and semi-quantitative analysis. We conclude with the applications of stoichiometry and data processing in XRF. The algorithm combination of an artificial neural network and a basic parametric method is a new direction to improve the accuracy and stability of the matrix correction.
- X-ray /
- fluorescence /
- spectrometry /
- analysis
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