A system was developed at the National Research Center for Geoanalysis and has become the management and data processing for the whole process of Reference Material preparation, including tools for homogeneity test, stability test, data normal distribution test, multi-laboratory evaluation data processing and analytical methods statistics for the Center. This reference material management information system consists of the following modules, including research project management, sample management, user management, co-operation laboratory management, system log file, stability test, homogeneity test data import/export, evaluation data import/export, outlier test, data distribution test, multi-parameter statistics and calculation, original data report, statistics parameter data report, and analysis method charts by sample and element. The system was implemented at National Research for Geoanalysis and Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences as a tool for the preparation and management of geochemical reference materials and made a great contribution to land and resource management and geological surveys in China.