• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
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  • Scopus 收录


Summary of RM 2010-Beijing International Symposium on Reference Materials

  • 摘要: 2010年北京标准物质国际研讨会在北京召开,会议由中国计量科学研究院主办,中国分析测试学会和中国计量测试学会协办。大会围绕当前标准物质的现状、未来发展趋势和面临的挑战进行了探讨。会议主题包括标准物质与环境保护、国际贸易等行业的关系,标准物质的制备、测试方法及技术挑战和国内外标准物质的发展现状;分会报告主题是公共安全与大众健康,先进能源、能源科技与环境保护等领域标准物质的研制,标准物质的国际化发展、标准物质的应用及共性分析技术发展趋势。国内外学者就共同解决标准物质研制过程中遇到的困难和挑战进行了交流和沟通。通过这次会议中国向世界展示了我国在标准物质领域取得的成绩,提高了我国在标准物质领域的国际地位。本文总结了会议讨论的主题和我国标准物质尤其是地质标准物质的现状及发展趋势,指出截至2010年底,我国标准物质总数达到6011种,其中一级有证标准物质1701种,二级有证标准物质4310种,主要集中在钢铁、无机、工业材料等领域,在数量上已经达到国际先进水平,但是存在品种不全、门类欠缺、结构不合理的问题;地质标准物质得到快速发展,而一些重要发展领域,如新资源、新能源、新材料,生物及临床,有色金属,食品成分,有机污染物等标准物质相对缺乏。


    Abstract: This paper described the RM 2010—Beijing international symposium on reference materials, which is the largest conference in the history about reference materials international conference. The symposium was hosted by National Institute of Metrology P. R. China and supported by China Association for Instrumental Analysis and Chinese Society for Measurement. The themes of the symposium were mainly the current situation, future development trend, challenges of reference materials. The main themes included the relationships between the reference materials, environmental protection, international business and so on, the preparation, measurement methods and challenges for reference materials, current situations for national and international reference materials. The sessions of the symposium included about public security and health care, advanced materials for energy technology and environmental protection, developments and application of international reference materials, general analytical technology. The achievements in Chinese reference materials were presented through this conference and promoted the status of China about development of reference materials. The delegates communicated for the challenges and problems during the preparation for the reference materials. In this paper, we also summarized the main themes and the situation and application of Chinese reference materials, especially geological reference materials. Up to end of 2010, the totally 6011 kinds of reference materials in China consists of 1701 first grade and 4310 second grade certified national reference materials, covering with steel, inorganic and industrial materials and so on. The numbers of reference materials reached international advanced level, however, there are some problems about lack of some species and categories along with unreasonable structure. The reference materials are short of in some important research fields as new resource, new energy, new materials, biology, clinical medicine, nonferrous metals, food and organic contaminations.


