• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
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地矿实验室信息管理系统Geo-LIMS 2.0

A Introduction of Geoanalytical Laboratory Information Management Systems Geo-LIMS 2.0

  • 摘要: 对中国地质调查局武汉地质调查中心实验测试室开发的地矿实验室信息管理系统Geo-LIMS 2.0的功能、特点及应用进行了较详细的介绍。从地矿实验室实际工作出发,将信息技术与实验室现有质量保证体系相结合,Geo-LIMS 2.0系统实现了实验室从样品登录、任务分配、作业生成、数据记录与计算、数据汇总、质量监控,到分析报告生成的全流程信息的计算机自动处理,基本涵盖了地矿实验室管理工作的主要方面,精简和优化了实验室的运作环节和业务流程,有利于管理人员和分析人员更加专注于测试方法核心技术开发,大大提高了工作效率和工作质量。该系统数据输入量小,操作简单,数据查询、统计功能强大,具备完善的权限管理功能。系统维护简单快速,能够满足地矿实验室管理工作。


    Abstract: The functions, characteristics and applications of laboratory information management system (LIMS)—Geo-LIMS 2.0 developed by Wuhan Institute of Geology and Minerals Resources were introduced and discussed in detailed in this paper. From the actual work of mineral laboratory and combining the information technology with existing quality assurance system of laboratory, the automatic processing of computer information has achieved in the whole process of sample login, task assignment, job generation, data recording and computing, data collection, quality control and report generation in Geo-LIMS 2.0. The process covers the main aspects of laboratory management work. The operational streamline and working procedure are simplified and optimized. It makes benefits for managers and analysts to more focus on development of core analytical technology, greatly improving the efficiency and quality of work. Geo-LIMS 2.0 has the advantage of small data entry, simple operation, powerful function of data query and statistics, perfect rights management, simple and rapid system maintenance to meet the requirements of geological and mineral laboratory management.


