• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
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  • Scopus 收录


Application of the Fuzzy Method in the Comprehensive Evaluation of the Environmental Quality of Shallow Groundwater in the Liaoning Central Area

  • 摘要: 选取铁、锰、总硬度、亚硝酸盐、氨氮、氯化物、氟化物、挥发性酚、钡、铍等10项指标为地下水评价指标,根据国家制定的地下水质量标准,采用模糊综合评判方法,系统评价了辽宁省中部地区浅层地下水质量。研究结果表明辽宁中部地区浅层地下水以高铁锰离子含量为特征,综合环境质量较差,多数水体不能直接作为饮用水。超标浅层地下水占调查总面积的一半,主要集中在辽河中下游的冲积平原。影响水质的主要因素是铁锰离子含量和总硬度,其次为氨氮、亚硝酸根和氯离子含量。通过对地下水质量评价,使辽宁中部地区浅层地下水质量特征更加明晰,为制定水资源保护与规划提供了科学依据。


    Abstract: Ten indicators including Fe, Mn, total hardness, NO-2, NH+4, Cl-, F-, C6H5OH, Ba, Be were selected as proxies for the quality of shallow groundwater in Liaoning central area. The groundwater quality was calculated according to national standards by the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. The integration of environmental quality characterized by high content of iron and manganese ions is poor and most of the water cannot be used directly as drinking water. More than half of the total groundwater in the working area is poor in quality, and occurs mainly in the middle and lower Liaohe alluvial plain. The main factors affecting water quality are Fe and Mn contents and total hardness, followed by NO-2, NH+4 and Cl- content. The growing need to perform quality evaluation of groundwater makes this method both important and prominent and provides scientific data for water resources protection and planning.


