Extraction and Determination Methods for Mobile Forms of Precious Metals in Soil Samples
摘要: 介绍了土壤样品中贵金属铂、钯、金的水提取态、黏土吸附态与可交换态、有机质结合态以及铁锰氧化物结合态等不同相态的提取方法与测定方法。方法检出限为铂0.03 ng/g,钯和金0.01 ng/g。实验了铂、钯、金活动态金属各种提取液介质中痕量贵金属的稳定性、固-液分离方法、提取温度的影响及提取液的处理方法。通过在南非隐伏铂钯矿或矿化区的试验,结果表明所圈定的异常与实际矿(化)体相符,为识别隐伏贵金属铂钯矿床提供了有效信息,对寻找隐伏矿床具有一定的指导意义。
- 贵金属 /
- 活动态 /
- 电感耦合等离子体质谱法 /
- 提取液 /
- 深穿透地球化学
Abstract: The extraction techniques and determination methods for the mobile forms of platinum, palladium and gold in soil samples are developed. The detection limits for precious metals in soil samples were 0.03 ng/g for Pt, 0.01 ng/g for Pd and Au in mobile forms of water extractable, clay absorbed and exchangeable, organic phase and Fe-Mn oxides bonded metals. The stability of trace platinum, palladium and gold with various mobile forms in a variety of extraction media was tested. And the solid-liquid separation methods, the effect of extraction temperature on the precious metal extraction, as well as the treatment of the extractants were also tested. The method was successfully applied to the identification of buried platinum and palladium deposits in South Africa with satisfactory results and will provide guidance in searching for hidden mineral deposits.-
- precious /
- metal /
- mobile /
- form /
- inductively
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