• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
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Geochemical Characteristics and Research Direction of Arsenic

  • 摘要: 砷的毒性在古代就因砒霜而广为人知,国际癌症研究会将砷列为第一类致癌物。目前,世界上有数以百万计的人受到砷中毒的威胁,砷污染事件在世界范围都有报道。环境中的砷的来源很复杂,有自然因素引起的砷污染(主要是地质成因砷污染),也有人为活动带来的砷污染,还有二者共同作用形成的砷污染。此外,砷还可以通过各种自然的地球化学过程和生物过程进行迁移转化,直接或间接对人和动物等产生危害。文章从砷的来源与分布、砷的毒性和危害、砷的迁移转化、生物在砷循环中作用的新认识等方面进行论述,并针对目前国内外砷污染研究现状,提出在已有研究基础上,建议在河套地区进一步开展砷元素地球化学及人体健康关系研究。


    Abstract: The toxicity of arsenic has been well known since ancient times for the noxious white arsenic. Furthermore, arsenic has been listed in the first group of carcinogens by the Association for International Cancer Research (AICR). Nowadays, millions of individuals in the world are suffering from by arsenic toxicosis and the arsenic contamination has been reported worldwide. The origin of arsenic in environment is rather complex and originated from natural processes(mainly for geological process), or anthropogenic activities, or combination of both. Moreover, arsenic can transfer and transform through different natural geochemical and biological processes,therefore will directly or indirectly harm to people and animals, etc.. In this paper, a comprehensive discussion on arsenic issue is presented, including its origin and distribution, its mobility and transformation,toxicity and impacts on living things, as well as recent progresses on arsenic research. Arsenic contamination and toxicosis in some regions such as Inner Mongolia in China are very serious now, so the research on arsenic geochemistry and impacts on human health from arsenic are tough and meaningful job.


