• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
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Detection of Carcinogenic Aromatic Amines in Textiles by Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spetrometry

  • 摘要: 用甲醇-水-乙酸(体积比49∶49∶2)混合溶液作为喷雾溶剂,在优化实验条件下,将电喷雾解吸电离质谱(DESI-MS)用于各种质地纺织品中24种致癌性芳香胺的非破坏性快速检测,均获得满意结果。分析实际样品时,由于该方法无需样品预处理,单个样品单一指标的检测不到30 s,大大节省了分析时间,提高了分析效率。同时借助串联质谱的特异性,能够有效地避免实验结果的假阳性。方法对大部分芳香胺具有较高的灵敏度,二级质谱中特征离子的检出限一般为10-9 g/kg。建立的方法能灵敏、快速、无损检测纺织品中的致癌芳香胺,精密度较好,对同一样品10次测量结果的相对标准偏差为5%~10%。


    Abstract: Using a mixture of methanol/water/acetic acid (volume ratio 49∶49∶2) as the electrospray liquid and under the optimized experimental condition, 24 kinds of carcinogenic aromatic amines in various texture of textile samples were directly and nondestructively detected by desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry(DESI-MS) with satisfactory results. The mean analysis time for a single analyte in a sample was about 30 s, more efficient due to without sample pretreatment. Furthermore, in virtue of the special performances of tandemMS, the false positive results could be effectively eliminated. The method provides the advantages of high sensitivity (typical detection limit of 10-9 g/kg rang for most aromatic amines), high precision (5%~10%RSD, n=10) and more efficiency. The method has been applied to the direct and nondestructive determination of carcinogenic aromatic amines in various textures of textile samples.


