Environmental Geochemical Migration of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Xuzhou Urban Area
摘要: 选择江苏徐州黄棕壤进行不同深度层位多环芳烃含量的定量分析,研究并探讨了多环芳烃在土壤深度剖面中的地球化学迁移特征.研究结果显示,多环芳烃在徐州土壤剖面中主要集中在地表0~20 cm内.其中低环多环芳烃化合物的迁移能力较强,4~6环等高环化合物相对较难迁移,主要残留于地表生态系统环境中.Abstract: The concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) compounds in soil samples from different depth layers in Xuzhou urban area of Jiangsu province were quantitatively measured. The geochemical migration characteristics of these compounds in deep profile soil environment were discussed. The results showed that PAHs were accumulated in 0~20 cm soil layer and the migration ability of lower ringed PAHs was predominant over the higher ringed ones, thus the higher ringed PAHs were easily enriched in surface soil environment comparatively.