• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • DOAJ 收录
  • Scopus 收录


Geochemical Zoning Based on Agricultural Environmental Quality in the Poyang Lake Area

  • 摘要: 在<江西省鄱阳湖及周边经济区1∶25万多目标地球化学调查>成果的基础上,依据地球化学特征(包括土壤酸碱度、营养元素、有益元素丰缺、有机质含量、重金属污染情况等)和环境质量情况(包括地貌类型分区和光、热、水影响条件),将全区划分为优质农业区、中等农业区、低级农业区等3种类型.其中,优质农业区农业营养元素Mg比较丰富,Mn、Cu、Zn及Mo等有益元素出现高背景分布,As、Cd、Pb和Hg含量呈正常分布,土壤重金属元素综合污染指数属无污染等级;中等农业区营养元素Mg在背景值及高含量分布范围,Mn等有益元素含量在低背景和高含量范围内,表层土壤重金属As等综合污染指数为轻度污染;低级农业区营养元素Mg含量属中等和缺乏,Mn等有益元素在背景值和低含量分布,属缺乏的元素含量,As等有害元素为轻度污染和中度污染.


    Abstract: On the basis of the results from the 1∶250000 Multi-purpose regional geochemical survey of the Poyang Lake and its surrounding economic areas, the paper classifies the whole area into three types of agricultural zones of the highgrade, mediumgrade and lowgrade based on its geochemical characteristics, including acidity and alkalinity of the soil, nourishing elements, abundance and lack of the useful elements, content of organic substances and degree of heavy metal pollution, etc. The environment conditions, such as landforms, sunlight, temperature and water resources are also considered in adjusting the local agricultural structure.


